After a few detox sessions under my belt since going raw (raw foods as in fruits and veggies)and taking Iodine, I can say that what you are experiencing in your hair loss is a good sign. It means that the good is pushing out the bad, and your scalp, follicles, and hair will be better than ever!
What a shock it can be for our bodies to all of a sudden get what they have needed in nutrients and elements for so long, that things like acne, hair loss, loose stools, sweating more can be a side effect.
If I were you, I'd make sure to also try to up the ante on my health program, with better nutrition (if you aren't yet or still eat lots of cooked and or junk foods and sodas, etc.)and the companion supplements for Iodine.
Before going raw 5 years ago at age 50 I was really scared of seeing my scalp along my hairline and on top (I'm female) thru some very thinning hair, that it was a miracle for me when after going raw, it started to grow in and now I have thick hair and can't see my scalp at all. It takes some time, maybe a couple years of working on health issues, but loss of hair is nothing compared to letting your health deteriate because of fear and ending up worse off than ever.
Iodine hasn't affected my hair except make it healthier as far as I can tell, no hair loss due to the
Iodine as there was plenty of hair loss after going off the thyroid meds once many, many years ago. What would happen if I quit Iodine? I don't know, but my ituition says I'd go back to being hypothyroid, being cold, slow thinking, slow moving, gaining weight and probably lose hair, but if I give
Iodine enough time for my body to heal the hypothyroidism and goiter and then cutting back slowly and then going off I have a feeling I'll be just fine. But I know this will be several years down the road more than likely.
My goiter is noticably much smaller and my neck is feeling much thinner there. Even the largest nodule that was on the right side is something I can't feel anymore when I try to feel for it. It's like...where did it go?