Re: Is There A Cure for Varicose Veins??
Hi jibsea,
I havnt gone on the Orange Juice fast yet- but I had a vein sticking out of my lower calf (left leg) for about 2 years this past Winter.
I found I had parasites in my intestines (fluke worms,etc) so I completely overhauled my diet to raw fruits and veggies and raw nuts (especially almonds and Brazil Nuts) and raw seeds (pumpkin and sunflower-and ground flax seeds)
And I eat alot of garlic now and unrefined olive oil- and not one processed food or fast food has even touched my lips since this diet overhaul-- one day before this past Thanksgiving!
The only dairy I have occasionally now is just some Kefir right during my Menstruation times.--which seems to help as a natural probiotic. Other than that, no more meat or dairy anymore.-- Though I am taking cod-liver oil gelcaps that were tested for Mercury,etc.
I also skin brush my legs with a natural bristle brush- after going on the Gazelle swing for about 10 minutes each morning.
I gotta tell you that I can finally wear shorts this Summer with no embarrasment!!
I used to buy that make-up spray for my lower legs so i could wear shorts in hot weather.
That vein in that lower leg is no longer sticking out of my lower calf- but is now "back in" its right place and invisible to the naked eye.
No more deep dull vein pains in my lower calves anymore. I walk around barefoot in the house too- which I feel has enhanced the healing.
All I have left that is visible on my lower calves is some stubborn spider veins-- but they are even not as much as before. Don't forget, that this lifestyle change-- starting from discovering I had parasites- has only been not even a full year yet.
I just cant believe the vein is no longer sticking out of my legs now- when I always have been taught that once you have varicose veins, you can only keep them from getting worse- and only surgery corrects them.
No offense to surgeons- but my situation should be encouragement to others. Varicose veins runs in my mothers side of the family- and im already 42 years old already. If I can have a reversal, anyone can!
God Bless