When your Eurowings flight gets canceled unexpectedly, the first step is to stay calm. These things happen, and there are usually options available to assist affected passengers. The airline typically provides information at the airport or through their customer service channels. Check if they've offered you an alternative flight, or if you're eligible for a refund. In addition to reaching out to Eurowings directly, I recommend using services like AirAdvisor, which can be a valuable resource in cases of flight disruptions. AirAdvisor specializes in helping passengers like you secure compensation and assistance when airlines fail to fulfill their obligations. They have a wealth of experience in dealing with flight cancellations and can provide expert guidance on your rights as a passenger.
If you want to try and save the tooth you might do the laser treatment. Not cheap, from $1100.00 to $1300.00 per root canal depending on the tooth and whether it needed a crown, etc..
Although it would be cheap if you were going extract and replace the tooth with dental implants. here's a site where you read about it.
Here's a home remedy you might consider.
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