also these things might help
look through the articles there
I would also suggest a 100% raw, vegan, whole food organic diet with lots of juicing and maybe juice fasting and green smoothies, green juices, spirulina and chlorella, seaweed and wheat juice and living food like sprouts.
sorry the link in blue may have to be pasted and copied into the browser
Clark's rule (children and animal dose and people weighing over 150 puounds) see the first link
here he says intestinal cleanse #2 removes radioactive material
see the first link
and also intestinal cleanse #2 (sold at see the first link on applesor the articles called apples and what it says about radiation
Take intestinal #1 first)
Begin by taking intestinal #1 at dinner increasing by one tab a night until you are going to bathroom once for each meal and the bms are not sinking but floating, light and volumous.
Then stay on that dose of intestinal cleanse #1 and start taking intestinal cleanse 5 times a day, Use Clark's rule by weight for dosing for example someone weighing 300 pounds would take twice as much (300/150) someone weighing 100/150 would take 2/3rd the dose etc
Also since gulf war syndrome is now thought to be depleted uranium poisoning, use these recommendations for that as well.
Who is this comment directed to?
If it is to cancer survivors like myself, not everyone knows about this.
I had recurrent breast cancer and just did lumpectomy the first time and did 6 months of research as several doctors told me to have a mastectomy.
I did not do what they suggested after my research taught me there was no difference in survival between radiation with lumpectomy and mastectomy (likely with radiation too).
I opted to not do radiation the first time despite the fear.
they did not get clean margins and thus had to do another lumpectomy.
I feel he did not get it all as though he was a highly kind and caring man, I do not think he was a good surgeon as I was awake on one of the surgery and he just cut through a nerve causing permanent nerve damage rather than cutting around it I saw when they showed me the sample.
I researched it again thoroughly when I had a recurrence 6 years later which as I said I believed it was cause they did not get it all.
I did not know what I knew them or I would not have gotten anything but the lumpectomy probably not even mammograms as heard that can spread the cancer.
I knew a little mor ethan on supplements etc and used over 150 supplements with a lot of them antioxidents and an herbal external cream directly after my treatment.
I was actually harrassed by my doctor and threats made from them I would definitely lose my breast or have it removed if I did not do what they said (I think it was to take some antibiotic which I did not feel would be good for me) so I refused and they got mad but still worked with me when they saw I was resolute. they stopped radisation for a few weeks as it gave me some fungal infection or something and that is they prescribed whatever drug it was.
So I don't feel I willingly laid down for it as one poster said or do what everyone else does.
I thought I was making the best decision I could tat the time with the knowledge I had. In retrospect I make a wrong decision but I did not know alternative health could cure cancer then and how to do it...with time I learned.
People in that situation are under a lot of duress and fear and I don't think it is right for you tow people to disc them for doing the best they could with what they knew or believed then.
the supplements and natural treatments I knew then I did without their knowledge as I knew they would not approve and they caused me to have different results than expected.
I was told by my radiation doctor would had had breast cancer and undergone radiation herself that I would have 5 lifelong awful symptoms as a result and one temporary one (3rd degree burns by the 2nd week) and I did not have any of the 4 lifelong ones for even a minute and no burning till week 5..they were stunned and kept saying most people are burned by now and how lucky I was as they did not know all I was doing on my own.
Since they had to give me more radiation than normal, I am only hoping the antioxidants I took them and the alternative health modalities I knew of and used helped me to not have as much harm as if I had done nothing.
To be honest I did not really realize till recently though this happened over 10 years ago that this is worst than having experienced nuclear fallout in the harm it does to the body.
I believe I have a parathyroid tumor and recall them saying it could affect the thyroid, heart and lungs and glands in the neck down the road but now they claim it only affects the thyroid and not the parathyroid but not so sure I believe that.
It is maybe true that those with no treatment might fare better than those taking these dangerous treatments, but I think when in that situation, unless you know how to cure it alternatively with good success, many let the fear influence their decisions.
I would now advocate not doing Dr treatments and teach others about how to cure caner alternatively but it is not my place to make that decision for someone with the cancer.
Ultimately what will help is getting people to find out about life saving alternative health routines and modalities for curing all diseases and that is what I try to do. the more who are cured naturally who share what they did, the less chance they will be willing to take what doctor says to do.
People curing smaller things now with natural treatments can give people the confidence to see it works and might make them more willing to try it for the big things is that time comes and is more helpful than berating them for their decisions which is what I feel as a cancer survivor you are doing. don't judge people who do not know what you do for not knowing and trying to get well as this helps noone but rather makes people defensive. One must always be careful how they approach people so as not to alienate them especially when dealing with highly emotionally charged topics like cancer.
"If they ain't white, don't speak English or otherwise don't support the New World Order, I say we nuke 'em!"
- Dubya
That was a sarcastic comment parodying George Bush's outlook.
A New York Times article recently mentioned that some of the US Atomic Weapons workers wre sick, and health claims were being denied.
Other news was that by re-concentrating Radioactive Waste, that less storavge space is needed. This is a challenge for Democaracy and Capitalism, because future years of reduced cost of storage need gto be balancecd agaiasnt the quick dump for nowm, without the cost of re-concentrating.
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