*You should brush at least twice a day. *A soft bristled tooth brush is recommended because the bristles can flex more than a hard bristled brush. *The "proper" brushing technique they taught us in school is the "modified bass technique" when I'm sure you can find videos of. *You should floss at least twice a day before brushing. I know that it is hard and sometime unrealistic. *If its hard for you to floss at night right before bed because you are tired try to floss earlier in the day some flossing is better then none. *Make sure when you are flossing you are not just sticking the floss between your teeth. You have to actually try to scrape the yucky stuff off your teeth. *Bleeding gums is actually caused by not flossing enough, the more you floss the less bleeding you will have. *Using a mouth wash twice a day can also help kill germs that cause bad breath. But if you use a mouth wash that has alcohol it can dry out your mouth.
You should also brush your tongue and roof of your mouth.
Floss, brush, and rinse at least twice a day after meals. Use a soft bristle toothbrush or an electric toothbrush :)
Find out more: https://harvestpointedental.com/
I have done teeth whitening at home using Crest white strips and Sensodyne to reduce sensitivity.
Alternatively, I have done professional teeth whitening at my local dental clinic in Calgary (https://www.dynamicdentalcalgary.com/teeth-whitening-calgary-se) and have seen some great results.
Brushing the teeth with either sage leaf powder or powdered strawberry leaves are supposed to whiten the teeth.
I wrote supposed to since these are historical uses for these herbs. I have not used them for this purpose so I cannot say from personal experience. They are something you can try if you wish, or wait for another answer you prefer.
Sage is cheap though and readily available and will kill bacteria in the mouth regardless as well as help with periodontal disease.
As far as the time required as usual there is no set time frame. Everyone is different and there are many other variables such as how yellow or stained are the teeth? Do they have permanent staining from fluorosis or tetracycline? Do they smoke? Are they drinking coffee or consuming other foods still that stain the teeth?............
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