I'm so grateful to go through chronic illness, and still not have cavities- for 7 years.
However, one canine turned, and I lost jaw bone (my front teeth are up and down, instead of at a slight angle).
But no cavities does not mean I had no enamel issues. My PH was 4.8 during the worst of illness. My teeth were constantly yellow from stains, because my enamel was so porous.
Before my illness, people would constantly tell me that my teeth were so white. I regularly looked at my teeth under bright lights, and poked around with my fingernail for soft or painful spots.
But they really took a beating from illness.
The enamel was sponge-y, and caused instant shooting pain. I even had the dentist avoid those spots during scaling.
But today, they have perfect enamel, with no pain at all. It regrew.
I just wanted to vent a bit. Always get a 2nd opinion within the medical field. My 1st dentist told me that some teeth needed to have their old fillings replaced (they're from my childhood).
Cost= $350-400, plus the freezing which is nasty for you!
My dentist #2 told me, my filings are in great shape, and my teeth and gums were awesome!
So glad I got a 2nd opinion....Crazy....
Lastly, I have a teeny black spot n one tooth. My dentist told me , it's either a stain, or an old cavity that healed itself! See? Our teeth do heal!
Gut/Sleep Connection
My digestion STILL isn't back to normal, and it's been more than a month.
Perfect digestion for me is- no bloating at all, and an empty colon when I sleep. Both of these aren't happening.
Today, I read an article that says that our good bacteria effects our sleep/wake cycle.
SO INTERESTING because I haven't been sleeping well either! Have to look more into that!
"Honestly, You Look 28!"
The compliments just keep coming! It's one thing for people to say you look healthy, or really good for your age. It's another thing for them to start throwing around numbers :)
Man, if I could stay at that age...I can't imagine what else the world would need as 'proof' that detox is REAL and AMAZING!