I am so sorry that you're having these experiences. You moved to a country in Europe to finish your studies? You did not move there for this man, am I correct?
It is not a bad thing to be emotional - feeling and empathy are things that can be very good for human beings. But, there's something causing you to want to break up after a disagreement or argument. Listen to your gut instincts.
Most long-distance relationships are fine for a while, but they cannot EVER reflect how healthy or unhealthy a full-time arrangment is going to be. It's always "new" to see the other person after a long separation, so it always seems like a honeymoon, of sorts. But, if there is this thought to end it after an argument, there must be some reason that you feel this way.
If he's not texting you or speaking to you, you've gotten your clues from him. That he is suggesting that you have some sort of personality disorder without being a licensed professional means that he could be projecting HIS issues onto you.
You're going to have to make your own decision about this relationship - are you willing to feel this way, all of the time, as if there's something about you that is broken or "wrong" just because someone else says that there is? Think long and hard about this, and then think about the things that you really deserve from a partner - like proximity, to begin with. Someone nearby that you'll be able to see in every mood and in every good and bad time of your life. HOW that person responds to you, your feelings, and your needs is very important. It's also important how you feel when you respond to his needs and his feelings.
There is no such thing as a perfect relationship, but there are healthy relationships, and toxic ones. You'll have to determine which type of relationship this is, and make your decision based upon facts and not upon emotions. It's a challenge, but it's important for your own well-being.
Best wishes to you.
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That is so true - the lawyers will be paid regardless of the negotiations or judge's rulings.
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