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    cure candida on scrotum and penis forever   RN SUCCESS #230516   6 y  4,034  C
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    Candida help please!   mjwex12   6 y  1,549  C
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    Coconut Oil and athlete's foot, help me, please.   #229625   6 y  825
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    Untreated mouth thrush   Karen08   6 y  2,990  C
  • Peeling feet cure   #225857   7 y  584  C

    Peeling feet cure

    Just putting this out there because it's definitely made an improvement in my feet. I've never known the cause of my peeling feet- candida/ athlete's foot/ ??? but I've always battled with it (20 years maybe). I've been using rice water for my hair and skin and have since noticed a major improvement in my feet. When they peeled initially the skin came off easily in the bath #tmi and my feet have been left soft and smooth, and I only have a very minor amount of flaky skin on my heels left. I will update if continued use cures the problem further but just an initial report here! Rice water is just made from soaking rice, stirring it after an hour and funnelling the water into a container. Leave the water out for 24 hours before storing in the fridge. It lasts about a week. I just massage it all over, leave it for 5 mins and then rinse off. Hope this helps!
  • Direct Current Kills Fungus   jaguar57   7 y  339

    Direct Current Kills Fungus

    Please read about how direct current from a battery kills fungus (and bacteria):
    I personally have used DC on foot fungus successfully. It is a great remedy.
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