Hi acneone, Thats great you don't drink soda but you probably still have alot of toxins from your soda days. And if you have dry skin I highly suggest you use olive oil to clean your skin. A good olive oil mind you not something that has been stripped of all basic nutrients. Maybe an extra virgin olive oil from a health food store.Rub your skin before you take a bath or shower that way the water doesn't strip more away. And I also believed that whole 'hormone causes
Acne mantra' a long time ago too. I believe there is some validity to this idea, but I think it is a major cope out on the real causes of acne. Also it is not expensive to take care of yourself naturally, it is quite cheap. You just have to be willing to do it. If you start by eating tons of fruit in the morning. I used to eat a huge mango or two, two peaches, two plums, apples, oranges, strawberries and any other fruit I could get my hands on. Then in the afternoon I would eat a salad with a bit of balsamic vinegar and olive oil and bread made at a bakery that doesn't use chemicals. Then again at night I would have some really good meditarian cuisine made with more vegies. In between the day you want to drink alot of herbal teas and fruit juices. In my case it was orange juice. I drank tons of orange juice, my body craved it. Also you need to freshly squeeze your juice DO NOT buy premade orange juice. And tons and tons of water. That is a must! You probably could do with a emema to help clean your colon. If you decide to any kind of internal organ cleanse the first place to start must be your colon. I mean, where else does all the toxic matter go, right? So you want that to be unblocked so that you can release all the waste. Try looking into Dr.
Richard Schulze 's products. There is section on this site that discusses Dr.Schulze's healing methods and also a forum with a great support group. If his products are too expensive then you can go to
http://healingtools.tripod.com and get the recipes there to make them yourself.
And look about the accutone...I have never personally tried it but still I would have this question nawing away at me if I were a man. "If this chemical compound is so powerful that it can cause birth defects in women, what the hell can it cause in a guy?"...think about it. Anyway I hope this helps, keep letting us know how your going. Take care, Elaina