My shampoo is called Pravana - it is a no sulfate shampoo,and is mild. It is a newer color and shampoo line, so I would not know where to tell you to get it, as I purchase from my distibutor, but I am sure that there are other shampoos out there with no sulfates and I know that there are good ones like Jason Organics, available at the health food store. I just like to attempt to keep toxins to a minimum these days. I also use Castile soap, a natural soap with coconut oil in it, and I do not use deodorant, just Burts Bees deodorant spray, which does not stop you from sweating, it masks odor with sage oil - that is taking some getting used to, actually sweating - not very lady-like but healthy!! teehee
3 mg was suggested to me for starters on the forum, I am up to 4 in 2 weeks time, it just seemed a good place to start. Trapper has good posts to read on that forum. I also paint my feet with it at night, by morning it is gone. Check out posts on the
Iodine test - the results for me so far are increased energy,(as a matter of fact, I am taking a break from cleaning out all my old papers-tax crap and stuff-) and my hands and feet are a little warmer and less stiff.
I also take in about 2 big teaspoons of coconut oil per day.
Hope this helps.