I appreciate you sharing your perspective, and I
do feel it is better to bring up these issues now
and again, and certainly not to take things too
personally, since anyone who has read the postings
in this forum consistently must know that all the
posters here are generally supportive or else they
are asked to move their queries to the debate forum.
Also, anyone who has read Pepe's posts and he was
one whose posts I read early on, as well most of
Somer's, Hopinso's, and others, one realizes that his
personal style is such that you can love him or hate
him for his sometimes "sandpaper" style, its a personal
choice. He does demand or remind, if you prefer,
people to take personal accountability and of course
if one reads my posts, I also advocate owning one's
choices. I feel MCing, since no one forces you to
fast/cleanse does pose a challenge to "come clean"
and this includes not mincing words so that they fit
your demands when more often the reality is that
many come here wanting to know "how to cheat" or
change the cleanse to simplify or negate their own
I appreciate your post since there are so few testimonials
posted to the value of reading the posts of those who
have gone before. I am a natural inquisitive person so
reading a gazillion posts (and heh heh...on dial-up)
was what I felt I needed to insure success in my own
fasting experience. I too needed the real time connect
or camaraderie of reading and posting with those going
through the process so that aspect was also a great
benefit and one which keeps me revisiting the forum
and posting since it also keeps me focused on my goals
Perhaps it was a form of denial or is one for others to
not want to look further than their own post. Sometimes
I get into a place in my head where I feel it is a selfishness
that others seemingly refuse to look any further but I
remind myself that I am not here to judge more so than
be supportive. Still, it is the hunt for information which
one resonates with, and that aha moment when you find the
answers you need or answers to questions you never even
realized you had but the answers helped you to expand the
potential of the cleanse and your understanding of its
place in a bigger picture of good body maintenance.
One of my personal goals in posting is to leave a
trail of info behind and to somehow inspire others
to *pay it forward* by revisiting and being supportive
to others and furthering the path of info. So many
do not have the time and sadly others the inclination
to look and yet, there seems that no energy is wasted
by those of us who feel comfortable in pointing out
the way. I am pleased to see many more return and
contribute and I even like seeing this topic come up
since it clears the air and helps to point out where
improvements can be had as our own little forum
community. Heck, if it would not be annoying, I would
not mind seeing a reminder to read the FAQs and the
recommended posts every day...ggg. Likewise, I do
not mind seeing Pepe's admonitions to keep the focus
on cleansing as opposed to focusing on the weight
loss aspect of the cleanse, and certainly who gets
tired of Somer's advice...etc. etc.
Kudos to all who keep this forum supportive and a place
where we can come. I know I would not have finished any
of my cleanses and certainly not the longer ones without
the benefit of the support and info I have found here.
Thank you for "coming out" of lurk mode and sharing~!

be happy, be well,
The Master Cleanse Express