That was prior to my even pursuing anything systematically for health. Back then I did purges, juice fasts of various kinds, ate the wrong foods. I went Vegan for a few years, then Paleo. It was the heart problems and
Depression that finally caused me to begin serious research.
I don't have those problems anymore and I can do several hundred push-ups pain free. In fact a whole host of medical problems disappeared after I ran across IAHP (int'l assoc. of hygenic physicians).
Then when I tried to share these things on the fasting board, which was controlled by the
Master-Cleanse group, I was run off.
While I was off work after the surgery, and so depressed and hopeless I felt I might never be able to return to work, I searched the web for help.
Much of the stuff on diet that Fuhrman advocates I knew. There is nothing really unique in his diet. But I couldn't get motivated until I got sick. I had some knowledge of
Water Fasting from Bragg, but I never really got down to business.
Once I discovered Fuhrman's books and began to follow his teaching I got much better. I then tried to add all the cleanses and flushes and much of the other stuff I found on all the curezone boards to the simple diet and water fasting. I'm being honest now, I actually got sick on some of those protocols. Then I began to discover that many of them were recommended for life more of less, at least several repetitions. Then I committed back to the simplicity of the diet, eliminated supplements and vitamins, all in a very systematic way. I quit, added them back in and found that synthetic vitamins actually made me feel worse, same with many of the practices and supplements.
I think it's difficult to evaluate all the other stuff until you've cleaned up and handle all those things like you would on an elimination diet. Doing one of them at a time. Then I discovered, and I think others would too, that many of those things make you feel like crap. They may make you feel better if you have a lot of medical problems you haven't deatlt with. But I'd challenge anybody to the simple diet and fasting if necessary, and once feeling really well, begin to add some of the other things to your life one at a time and see what you experience. This after all is the ultimate physical challenge used for allergies to foods. It works for all the other things too. But most of the people have never tried to clean it up and start from zero to see if those other protocols, substances, vitamins and supplements make them feel better or worse. Occasionally I'll see someone say how much better they feel off vitamins and only get them from foods.
So, that info was only given for history, and probably hard to follow if you don't read all the posts in context. If you just push the button and read my posts out of context, it indeed could look like I got sick while on the diet and fasts that Fuhrman has recommended. Let me assure you, I hardle even ever get a cold. I'm more healthy than when I was 20. I'm stronger, can lift heavier things, endure strenuous activity, etc. And it's all such a simple thing.
Believe me, I've got bottles of betonite, pc123, vitamins and all sorts of supplements sitting around in boxes. I've thrown tons of it away as my confidence improved. Now I've got very little. I do take a very low potency vitamin as Fuhrman now recommends, and too make sure I get the
Iodine and Vitamin d that I might not. I don't need any b-12 because of the liver I take.
Other than that, and fish oil I take because of the increasing evidence of the efficacy of epa and dha, most easily available and most cheaply in a good source of fish oil, I just eat fresh foods and I fast periodically for a day or so just because it makes me feel so good. I'm due for a longer tune up fast soon. But I'll wait on that for right now.
I, as you probably have read, was instumental in getting this board, so I feel a certain responsibility to come over and help. When I saw the degeneration into a "do whatever you feel like" board I had to get involved.
Ahhh I just deleted a buch of my post, bummer.
Anyway, as people get well and familiar with the water and diet protocol I can get on with my life again.
I couldn't allow people to feel that fasting a few days and then breaking it on beef stew was an option. We all know it's not. No one who's been on any of the curezone boards for at least a month would recommend that. And I couldn't allow those who practice far out methods of diet and fasting to take over the board all in the name of tolerance and openess.
As you probably know, none of the boards are very hospitable to things outside the board topics.
So I come off looking like some freaky dictator. Well, I'll take a day and just drink juice now and then, but I'll go over to the juice board to discuss it.
I'll break my own diet I follow to have a glass of
Master-Cleanse lemonade because I love lemonade and that's the best tasting recipe I've ever tasted.
Who doesn't break the rules occasionally just for the taste of it?
So, when the board is back under control of water fasters who understand what they're doing, why, and why they're not doing other protocols, then I can lay back. My wife's angry at me right now for spending so much time here. I've got a life and a family that I love and enjoy spending time with. But I can't help establish a board and then walk away from it and let it become so eclectic that the teaching of simple nutrition and
Water Fasting disappears as an alternative from the whole curezone area.
I'm glad you asked though, and I hope I answered your questions. If not, let's continue. We can do this publicly here or via email if that suits you better. Your choice.
I certainly have appreciated your input and the protection you've provided for board ettiquette and protocol. I understand you're not an adherent of these practices, but you sound like a kind and inquiring person.
hope this helps, Mike
I don't know what I lost went I deleted part of the post. It may be choppy and incomplete. Sorry, but I've got other things I have to attend to.