well off top of my head i think to myself have you done a good
kidney stone disolve program?
also have you ever done a magnetic clay bath? (even just pascalite
clay bath on feet/shins woudl be of immense help.
have /are you aware of the super high dioxin lvls in fish?
to one 4
oz fish ct can be average about 274 point
vs 33 in 4
oz red meat,
and 18 in poultry..
(i do not eat red meat btw )
and rarely eat poultry but it is on my good by list too ,
after last 2 times i ate it my body said no way!!
which is fine by me since i rarely ate it anyhow.
dioxin has a 14 year life span generally with a 7 year half life..
which means : say you ate 4
oz today and consumed 274 in dioxin ,
then in 7 years your body will have processed out only 137 of that fish meal you just ate 8(
this ia a real cause to pause and think upon.
that is why i was thinking you might need a good drawing clay
to help get stored toxins out
esp if use teflons or nylons etc in cooking
i really believe in approaching things slowly
to avoid healing crisis..
you probably have a number of toxins stored in your body.
if you force them out too fast,
then you will be overwhelmed
with too many toxins free floating in body
than your kidneys/and liver can filter and process out
and can end up very sick.
i would probably start with colosan
to get your intestines and colon cleaned out
and old fecal matter disintegrated and flushed out.
.this by itself will probably clean out 6-12 lbs
of old fecal matter from you .
it is very important to drink lots of water
to help flush out released toxic material.
that will probably help you immensely get in a position
to consider a kidney cleanse.
Andreas has an excellent recipe in his books
and i do his. *kidney flush tea*
it involves a 6 week herbal tea addition to your every day life.
not a problem at all,
just make sure you put herbs to soak each night
before you go to sleep.
from there you will have plenty of time to read and learn about other options open to you...
such as beginning to prepare for a liver flush.
i prepare for one about a month before i do it,
by using gold coin grass to break up any stones in liver,
for 3 weeks program.
then for a week, i add apple juice (for the malic acid)
to help soften any others
like i said,
during that time you can rethink how best you want to heal yourself and what you feel can suit your lifestyle.
if you make too many changes at once,
you will be overwhelmed.
make a plan then let it be flexible.
hope this helps
Ami Joi Benton
feel free to ask questions anywhere..
and if you want to know places you can get things
i will happy to share and post some resources for you .
well off top of my head i think to myself have you done a good
kidney stone disolve program?
also have you ever done a magnetic clay bath? (even just pascalite
clay bath on feet/shins woudl be of immense help.
have /are you aware of the super high dioxin lvls in fish?
to one 4 oz fish ct can be averge about 274 point vs 33 in 4 oz red meat, and 18 in poultry..
dioxin has a 14 year life span generally witha 7 year half life..
which means say you ate 4 oz today and consumed 274 in dioxin then in 7 years your body will have processed out only 137 of that fish
meal youjust ate 8(
this ia a real cause to pause and think upon.
that is why i as thinkng youmight need a good drawing clay to help get stored toxins out esp if use teflons or nylons etc in cooking
i really believe in approaching things slowly to avoid healing crisis..
you probably have a number of toxins stored in your body
isf you force them out to fast, then you will be over whelmed with too many toxins than your kidneys/and liver etc can filter and process out and can end up very sick.
i would probably start with colosan to get your intestines and colon cleaned out and old fecal matter disintegrated and flushed out..this by itself will probably clean out 6-12 lbs of old fecal matter from you .
it is very important to drink lots of water to help flush out released toxic material.
that will probably help you immensely get in a position to consider a kidney cleanse.
Andreas has an excellent recipe in his books and i do his.
it involves a 6 week herbal tea addition to your every day life,
not a problem at all, just make sure you put herbs to soak each night before you goto sleep.
from there you will have plenty of time to read and learn about other options open to you.
such as beginning to prepare for a liver flush.
i prepare for one about a month before i do it, by using gold coin grass to break up any stoens in liver, for 3 weeks
then for a week i add apple juice for the malic acid to help soften any others
like i said during that time you can rethink how best you want to heal yourself and what you feel can suit your lifestyle.
if you make too many changes at once, you will be overwhelmed.
make a plan then let it be flexible.
hope this helps
Ami Joi Benton
feel free to ask questions anywhere..and if you want to know places you can get things i will happy to share and post some resources for you .