Hi Rudy,
Can Reiki help you? The honest answer would have to be maybe. I use reiki on myself and feel the benefits, I treat my family and friends and they also feel the benefits.
As no one really knows what reiki and as everyone is a unique star on their own wonderful journey I couldn't possible give you an unequivocal yes. Reiki will certainly help you relax, especially if you use it as a spiritual practise as well as a healing modality.
With regards to bi-polar, I have my own thoughts on mental illnesses and where they originate from. Coming from an NLP(another system that you might wanna check out)perspective I don't think diagnosis is particularly helpful. I feel it just gives us a label for a state of mind. I'm of the opinion we're in a constant state of flux capable of changing from one second to the next. The reason we don't? I think it's mostly down to badly programmed brain software rather than the hardware. Unlike a pc our software has the ability to directly change what's going down in the hardware.
Here's a thought. It's been well documented the power positive thinking has on the world we experience. You seem to have a really good collection of memories of feeling great. I suggest you meditate regularly on how it felt to 'be' that person. Really get into the visualisation of it. Feel what you felt, smell the smells, laugh the laughs. Get as deeply into that state as possible as often as possible and then, and this is crucial, let it go...When we start to work on ourselves in this way and recognise we're an intricate part of universe - the boundaries are just illusory - then it starts to work for us. Check out the site below for a scientific/spiritual crossover look at this and how it can help us(the articles link is good).
You ask if I think you're stuck with this spiritual/neurological condition. If I thought you were then I'd also have to think I was and that makes no sense to me. How can we be stuck with any condition in a constantly changing field of chaotic energy? I reckon we stay the same because we need to learn the obvious lessons from the place we're in. When we don't need to be there we move on....onwards and upward ;-)
It seems to me that Reiki, like other modalities, finds us/we find them when we need them - resonance. Because you've shown such an interest I'm sure you'll find some help from Reiki, just study the new reiki in the link in my previous post and see how it feels to you. Of course, you're still welcome to have some distant healing from me:-)