Here's your .02 back. Your *opinion* in not even worth that. The only real lack of research is yours. You have absolutely no clue about how any of this works. It appears that all you've managed here is to show that you are pretty much a loudmouth failure that wants to blame something else because of your lack of resolve and self control. From the git go on the moniker you choose you were already whining before you even started!!!! and were pretty much destined to fail. I would bet heavily that this is a reoccurring theme in your life...............................
Does it even dawn on you the level of ignorance that you are displaying after making such pronouncement about something that has been around for more that 50 years and just on this site alone there are thousands of posts from folks that have cured themselves of all kinds of things and have changed their lives. THOUSANDS!! Yet you after just 5 days have declared it *garbage*. Think about this for a minute.....................
All you have manged to do is show your ignorance and lack of taking responsibility for yourself and blaming your own *failure* on something outside of yourself. There are no magic pills or shortcuts. Anything worth doing will take educating yourself, focus and TIME!! All of which you have clearly shown that you are lacking.
Here's a reality check for you. Personally I had chronic shoulder and wrist pains and was over 50 lbs overweight. After my first MC my chronic pain of 5 years disappeared and with my follow up of healthy diet exercise etc I have not had the pain come back even though I have increased both the level and frequncy of physical activity 10 fold and I have also kept the 50 LBS off so just on that too I will say that the only garbage around here in your ignorant opinion and your loudmouth attitude in a support forum where *THOUSANDS* have done miracles.
Have a nice day
Fasting has been around for **CENTURIES** and just about every living animal on this planet in one form or another uses it as a healing modality. The Master Cleanse as a FAST!!! is unique as it does provide an *aid* in the lemon and cayenne to cleanse the system while also providing vitamins and minerals and easily assimilable carbs that will provide energy to be able to function in our daily lives.
Got a fine happy HEALTHY and PHYSICALLY FIT ACTIVE life thank you and I along with thousands of others am living proof of the amazing power of fasting and taking personal responsibility to educate myself and researching and formulating my plan of attack with the MC as the catalyst and centrally responsible for my HEALING 5 years of chronic pain and initiating my loss of 50+ pounds of being overweight. While you are still a socially dysfunctional unhealthy, unhappy ignorant loudmouth, overweight fool who will remain that way because you won't take responsibility and educate yourself and will keep blaming everything and everybody else for you being miserable and a FAILURE as you have clearly shown here and are now confirming and leaving no doubt whatsover..................................
Hey Sky we can also get free range grass fed beef and free range chicken etc in the states but besides not commonly available it is veeery expensive. Even fish if one live inland as I do is quite expensive. I love Salmon and on occasion treat myself to wild caught salmon. In my neck of the woods Salmon runs around $18 US per pound.
There are also laws in the states against cruelty to animals so don't kid yourself. Pretty much in large scale animal meat production what they film/describe on that website I would say is standard working operations for large scale animal processing world wide. I would even say it is probably even worse in the majority of other nations. We even have special police departments in the SPCA (Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals) so we definetly don't have a shortage of animal cruelty "laws" here stateside.
Anything that you can find from the health prepective against vegetarianism I guarantee you I can find double or triple that goes againts meat eating. So outside of the obvious humanitarian and ethical reasons for being vegetarian bottom line is that it's up to each individual to research and find what is best for them healthwise and what they can live with ethically.