I think I'm cured. (almost)
For the past few weeks I've been using Gloves in a bottle and had to restart the process a few times. The was a time when I had left the barrier on for 6 days but then removed it because it made my lips big and feeling uncomfortable. What I saw was deep lines on my lips, the skin felt very smooth and the inflammation quickly reduced thereafter. Well, thought I should get the lips completely raw before I apply GIAB, but then realied I actually can't get my lips completely raw anymore. There's now another permanent layer on my lips above the raw skin. The lines are also permanent now and I can stretch my lips without to the skin tearing. From far they look raw, but with lines. When I wet my lips, the skin doesn't turn white.
It's been 3 days now and the skin has grown thicker, still doesn't get white when wet, I can stetch it too. It just feels very dry.
I didn't apply anything these past 3 days except now I have applied aquaphor to moisturize a little and guess what, the skin didn't turn white or tear or even move. That tells me the skin is not dead but alive and healthy.
The ONLY part where I still have ec unfortunately is on the inside of my mouth where the white line usually is buts that's because the product didn't properly hold.
For the most part of my lips, I think my EC is cured.
Will keep you updated.