Thank You Thank You Thank You for ALL this info! It is so hard to find all the data when it is spread out on 15 different threads in 5 different forums. You Are Wonderful!
I *think* I may have found a new way of eliminating worms! I went to a Doctor of Traditional Chinese Medicine, told him about the
parasite problems I was having. He asked what I was doing about it, told him a combo of enemas and the
Hulda Clark Protocol. He laughed and said I was making it way more complicated than it needed to. He said to eat raw pumpkin seeds (pepitas). The seeds emit an enzyme that makes the worms sleepy (his words, I swear) they unlatch from the intestinal lining and leave your body the next time you move your bowels.
SO, what I did. Last night I ate a nice, fat handful of raw pumpkin seeds, followed with three heaping teaspoons of psyllium husks in 20
oz water and a stool softener. Oh. My. Goodness. huge movement FULL of dead, mucusy, ropy worms. I have a sensation of elation!
Im going to continue the fight these buggers from both ends, but for the first time in nearly a decade, I feel like I might actually win this damnable war!
I would love to hear what others think about this idea, and what results - if any - they have.
Thank you again!