Modern milk is put through two processes.
1 Parsterization - This is boiling the milk to kill any germs.
2 Homoginization - This is breaking up fat particles so they are much smaller.
If milk is not homoginized, a layer of cream forms on the top. With homoginized milk, the fat particles remain dispersed throughout the milk, so a layer of cream does not form on the top.
I believe homoginized milk is bad for health, as the smaller fat particles are more easily assimilated into the body. So drinking homoginized milk increases the likelihood of accumulating body fat.
However, contrary to the opinion of other people on this forum, I think pasterization is a good thing. It enables it to last longer before it goes off, and reduces the likelihood of you getting an infection from the milk.
So I suggest, when you get your raw milk, you pour it into a large pot, and boil it to kill any germs - which is pasterizing it.
After it cools keep it refrigerated.
Collect the cream off the top, so you can use the cream.
After doing that, I suggest not keeping it for more than a few days. I suggest not buying any more than you will use before it goes off.
It may be ideal if you have someone who lives nearby, who is also interested, so you can take turns getting it.
I normally use an alternative made from soya beans, instead of cows milk. That is even healthier.