Fecal transplant seems to try to colonize better than kefir enemas. Ive done both and the fecal transplant gave a twitching sensation like it was trying to colonize. The fecal transplant did give me die-off like syptoms. Ive got to try to get rid of most of the candida in my colon before i do another series of fecal transplants. Im going to go on a diet that involves very small meals consisting of low fat fish,chicken,beef. Try to leave very little food/nutrition left over for the candida in my colon( no fiber,carbs for them to ferment). This seemed to work last summer as i did a kefir enema and had no die off syptoms but the kefir did not colonize. --so i relapsed. Once the candida gets weakened in the colon then i can do some sodium bicarb/anti-fungal enemas until i get no die off syptoms. Once their is no die-off syptoms then you pound the fecal transplants.
Before you do fecal implants make sure most of the candida is gone in your colon or else your going to have a war going on in your colon and will feel miserable! Ive done some anti-fungal enemas and i felt like absolute hell. i would do a anti-fungal enema to see how strong the candida is in your colon. I did a fecal tranplant with my son who is exactly the same blood type as me, i think he is a perfect match.
Good luck
If your constipated do a tea bag of senna with a little vitamin C. Senna is a diurectic so be sure replenish your electrolytes after it does its job.Ive used Jarrow ibs formula which is suppose to be a human strain of L. Planturum. It gives me bad die-off. Im not ready for it yet. Candida has to be down to a minumum for probiotics to be effective. Otherwise it just creates a war in your intestines with very uncomfortable symptoms. If the candida is too strong it will just wipe out any probiotic you take and all your left over with is feeling like crap. This has been my experience with them for the last 2 years.