Borax-Boron;consolidated info ~RN by Ginagirl 17 mon 2,809 Iodine Supplementati
No rational person would say that b/c someone is wrong about 1 thing they must be wrong about everything - let's stipulate that...
It was through Earthclininc that you found Iodine and (I assume) Boron, and so you will be forever grateful and indebted. And I think this has a bearing on your objectivity. Let's recap what you just conceded:
Upon Ted's advice you took baking soda, and "it was a DISASTER." Upon Ted's advice you tried something called BHT, a synthetic antioxidant for 3 mos. until it gave you nausea and stomach pain, so you wouldn't recommend it to anyone else long term. Ted's warning about boron “accumulating excessively” is baseless if people take sane amounts of it since boron's half-life is 20-30 hours. How about him saying the same thing about Vitamin D which, in order to be toxic you'd have to take 10,000 IU daily for 6+ months? If it wasn't a coincidence, I'd say you got lucky that Vitamin B cured your acid reflux. What percentage of people over in the GERD/Reflux Forum just need a little Vitamin B to cure themselves? And if I went in there and declared this how many would hit me in the face w/ a tomato? In fact, it's a vicious cycle usually - most people w/ GERD have low stomach acid... which is required to absorb some B vitamins! So just taking B's to fix the problem is a long shot. How about Ted's statement that, "When I was about 2 1/2 years old, I learned that coal tar products can be used to treat cancer." ? How about this statement: "Right now (2006) I am doing hands on experiments such as creating stem cells inside your body using low level electricity, mineral, and nutrients..." ? You buying this? I'll bet $10 that Ted never graduated college. I'll bet you $5 that Ted never graduated high school. The word "clinic," as in Earthclinic, conjures up an image of a building, where real patients and doctors/practitioners get together. Do you think Ted treats people in the flesh? and if so, if I rounded up all the people Ted's "treated" in the same room w/ Ted, how long before they started beating him to death? Or is it more likely that Ted (a part-time teacher of computer auditing and computer maintenance) just reads lots of stuff on the internet, especially what's trendy, partially synthesizes it and regurgitates it back at people who ask questions? How about his comment that he spends most of his time "answering emails on health questions." Something to notice about Ted - there's a certain trick that he's mastered: If I said, "Ice cubes cured my baldness," you'd find that ludicrous (please tell me you would) and wonder if I could back this up w/ some evidence. On the other hand, If I start a sentence talking about bone health, and then abruptly, as an aside, a throwaway, I imply that ice cubes can cure baldness, not only would people not call me on it, they would think to themselves, "Wow, this guy is so full of information, has a head so full of cures that he doesn't even have time to explain them. Brilliant." Did you read Ted's article on attaching nickel electrodes to your chakras? Or his recommendations for the Brain Wave Generator? Do you think Ted has any data backing up his outlandish claims, or is there a reason why these things always happen to him, or "some people," i.e. strangers over the internet? Btw, what is "cheer madness?" Having said all that, I share your adventurous spirit and I jump right in sometimes w/ very little research. I think there are a few things which are dealy poisonous in small amounts, but for most things our bodies are resilient and able to handle trials and testing. Anyways, reading it over, this post doesn't sound very friendly - I hope you don't take it the wrong way... If you ask me Earthclinic is a mildly harmful, moderately helpful website. All the topics of which are better presented elsewhere with, I guess, the exception of the use of Boron.