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Re: Slightly O/T
Ginagirl Views: 12,067
Published: 14 y
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Re: Slightly O/T

It feels kind of strange to me that you want me to explain or defend what a chemist on the other side of the world is saying, just because I have tested a couple of his ideas.
Wouldnt it be better if you went to Earthclinic or even Ted directly?

I dont hang around at earthclinic, but I tried a few of their "remedies" like ACV, turmeric and cayenne pepper with good results. This was 3-4 years ago, before I found my real way to health; Iodine & co.
With cheer madness I meant complete madness with a hint of fun , english is not my native language, and sometimes I slip.. (madness and genious goes hand in hand IMO, I have worked on a mental hospital)

I am not an objective researcher!
But I have tried most herbs under the sun, most remedies and supplements heard of for candida, and everything I claim is higly subjective, based on my experience on myself, my cats, plants, kids + quite a few cases.
I am educated as a homeopath, and I have had some great results with it; but one of the reasons I searched further was that homeopathy helped short time only in my candida case.

" In fact, it's a vicious cycle usually - most people w/ GERD have low stomach acid... which is required to absorb some B vitamins!"
I completely agree; thats why I recommend Betaine HCL now and then, together with vit B in the beginning. I sometimes recommend ACV or bitters, but very few can actually stand the taste, it take some time before it helps if at all, and usually I have a few weeks to go on at most; if they not are better / much better they drop the whole thing.

I have two cases now with acid reflux; the med doc gave them antacid and Antibiotics (H.Pylori) I gave them Betaine HCL and vit B + zinc and iodine.
This was last week so I dont know the result yet.


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