Re: Slightly O/T
I am delighted to answer this, first I have to tell you the story that led me to
Iodine and this forum; it was Earthclinic.
I have had candida for 20 years, the fungus was immune to all known antifungals and I was desperate.
Prior to this I had made a decision; dont believe, try!
With this I mean; there are so many conflicting beliefs about everything from salt, vaccines, oils, acids, everything,. So I started experimenting BEFORE believing.
One other motto I have in my life, learned from a spiritual guide; is "dont discard everything in a person, book or whatever, just because you disagree with SOME of what this person or book says".
So, yes I am open minded, and yes I have tried some of TEDs stuff, also the baking soda; yes it was a disaster, I had terrible side effects like a racing heart, skin cracking and blisters in my mouth.
But; baking soda is actually great used topically for fungus if you use it the right way (that is finish with an acid) Back to my desperation, I had vaginal trush monthly for 20 years and it was painful in all ways; and in my desperation I found after many trials a way to combat it in as little as two hours! From my educations medical part I remembered a med. doc say "fungus can live in acidic condition, and alkaline condition, but it cannot take both" So my cure involves baking soda, but the first time when I did not finish with acids I god a bad bacterial infection instead.
Borax was the candida buster in my case, and
Iodine & co have made my body resistant to infections, also fungus ones.
And of course; to make the body resistant of developing fungus infection one have to start with the digestion; and here I learned a lot from Hveragerthi, but not all he claims is "true" for me and I certainly dont like his style. But dont discard ... etc.
What both of these claims, is that vit B is good for the digestion, and that vaccines are not all that good.
Vitamin B (100 mg daily) cured my acid reflux when I was pregnant 12 years ago, so yes Ted has his good points (I dont know what he means by the weight; maybe that the vit B makes the body absorb nutrients, hence increased weight)
The oil thing; I hesitate when it comes to processed oils,something is not right here but one needs omega 3 so I am a bit back and forth in this question.
A trial here in Norway got a shocking result as the ones taking cod liver oil had more osteoporosis than the ones that didnt take it. (5-6000 participants) but then again maybe it wasnt the cod liver, but the vit A they add.
I only refer to Ted /Earthclinic when it comes to Borax; because frankly he is the only one except for myself that have been "mad" enough to use it. And the reason I keep mentioning this stuff is because I dont have the success rate when I dont use Boron.
Some of the things ted uses is cheer madness IMO, but I am confident that the folks here at the forums can make their own opinion by listening to their mind and bodies.
More on how I work; before the Swine flu hysteria, I knew I needed something just in worst case; as I dont vaccinate,( my kids have had no shots) the problem is that my kids used to tolerate fever very poorly (hypo T symptom); I had convulsions on them both and I knew they could be in danger if high fever. I then turned to Ted, found out about a chemical called BHT that is a chemical (a syntetic antioxidant) that works against enveloped viruses. I took it as a supplement for 3 months before my body told me to stop it (nausea, stomach pain) as I would never give it to someone if I havent tried it myself.
Would I recommend others taking it long term; no
Would I use it in worst case; yes!
But generally after learned about
Iodine et al I am not so worried anymore; I know I can fix most things; but I am also a mother and not so confident if my own kids should fall sick. That hardly happens nowadays, but you know...
Kind of long post, but now you know me a bit better ?
ps half life of borax (renal)is about 20-30 hours, almost like iodine, so no accumulation (unless you overdo it.)
fluoride on the other hand, accumulates in the pineal gland, and borax is one of the few things that can detoxify it.