Blog: My First Master Cleanse
by Nymue

Day 3

Things are looking up!

Date:   6/6/2007 10:41:26 AM   ( 17 y ) ... viewed 2639 times

Yesterday was MUCH better than Day 2. I was still a little headachey on and off, but it wasn't constant like it had been, and my head felt more clear as well. And I finally had success with the SWF! I didn't realize that the first 2 days were a flop until I actually had it work right. I was at home in the morning and had forgotten to bring the grey Celtic Sea Salt with me that I bought for the cleanse. Fortunately my dad had this great sea salt from France, very fine, light grey. So I gave that a shot and pretty soon I was like, "OH!! That's what happens with the SWF!" As Seunim suggested in a response to my last post, I needed to use a little more salt. I realized that with the coarse crystals I was using, 2 tsp. was not really 2 full tsp. This morning (morning of Day 4) I heaped up the tsp. a bit and it worked like a charm! So glad to know I'm not just absorbing the salt water and am cleaning my system!

Yesterday was the first day I really started to feel some hunger pangs. The blackstrap molasses probably would've been a good idea then, but I didn't bring it to work with me. So more lemonade down the hatch! Made it through work fine, still felt a bit tired though. Laid down for an hour when I got home. I'm doing pretty well around food. I still watch Food Network (I am a Food Network junkie, it's just so entertaining for me!) without my stomach groaning in protest. I've found it's more the smell of food that does it to me. We can always smell when someone heats something up in the kitchen at work and we try to guess at what it is. Yesterday it smelled like waffles with syrup and I was fantasizing about those for a little bit. I keep thinking that I am going to want to eat all of this bad food when I end my MC, but I'm sure by that time my body will not want any of that junk in it.

I'm going to try and get some better cayenne pepper than what I am currently using, hopefully that will help pull out some more junk.

Current craving: Coconut Oil. I'd like to have it in some oatmeal or in my homemade granola bars! <drooooool>

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Comments (8 of 8):
Re: lemonades Nymue 17 y
Re: lemonades Zoebess 17 y
Re: molasses Nymue 17 y
molasses Zoebess 17 y
swf seunim 17 y
Doing better today! Nymue 17 y
Brain Fog Zoebess 17 y
Cleansing seunim 17 y
All Comments (8)

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