Blog: My First Master Cleanse
by Nymue

Day 2

The challenges of doing the MC and working.

Date:   6/4/2007 8:38:59 PM   ( 17 y ) ... viewed 2716 times

Day 1 wrapped up pretty smoothly. I started to feel a little bit light headed before bed, but it was fine as I was going to sleep anyway.

This morning is when I began to first feel some detox symptoms. I woke with a dull headache and a mental fog that stayed with me all day. I got up earlier than usual to do the SWF. This morning I changed it up and put the 2 tsp of salt in 8 oz. of water and then followed with 24 oz. of pure water. I alternated, sip for sip, and it took the whole 24 oz. to get down the small amount of salt water. Either it went through me really fast (in about 15 minutes), or my body ended up absorbing it. I figured that early bathroom trip was due to the senna tea, and kept waiting for the SWF to follow, but I didn't really go again after that. So that is somewhat curious.

I made up my 6 servings of lemonade and lugged it to work in a gallon jug and worked on it throughout the day. It's now about 9:30pm and I've still only managed to get down 5 servings. I need to work on that.

Today was extremely difficult. All day I felt like I was coming down with the flu and my brain was just totally scattered. Not easy to work in that condition. I had a few people mention that I looked tired, and someone else said I was just not myself. That was from someone that I'm pretty close with, so I told her about the cleanse. She didn't think I was nuts, she was just happy to know that was the reason that I seemed "different". I felt like I did not get enough sleep at all the night before. I was so happy to get home today. Even driving was difficult, with the headache and the heavy brain fog. I came home and fell into bed and slept a very deep sleep for about 2 hours. That is very out of character for me. At most I might pass out for about 15-20 minutes, and am awoken very easily. This evening the dogs were running around the yard barking pretty much the whole time, and I slept right through most of it.

I had another lemonade when I woke up and took a nice hot bath, which felt wonderful. Is it wrong that it's only Day 2 and I'm already kind of tired of the lemonades? I think it's the cayenne, it would taste so much nicer w/out it. On the plus side, the heat keeps me sipping on my water! Right now a cup of peppermint tea would be very nice, just for a change. Unfortunately, I left my mint tea and molasses (neither of which I've used yet) at my boyfriend's place. I am there 6 days out of 7, so I didn't think it would bother me not to have it for one day. He decided not to do the cleanse just now, but maybe when he is finished w/school for the summer, which will be pretty soon. He has decided that he will start eating much cleaner and lighter though, a lot of fruit and veggies, less heavy food, to kind of be there with me in spirit and also because he wants to be healthier also.

I will be happy when this heavy detox/flu feeling passes. It felt so nice outside this evening when I went to grab my book from the car, and I would've liked to go for a walk, but I just have zero energy. I'm trying to just listen to my body and give it rest if it needs it. Right now I think I could easily sleep for about 11-12 hours a night. Makes me wish I had been able to start the MC perhaps on a Friday. I didn't want to wait another week to start though, so I will just have to bear through the difficulties.

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Comments (8 of 8):
Re: lemonades Nymue 17 y
Re: lemonades Zoebess 17 y
Re: molasses Nymue 17 y
molasses Zoebess 17 y
swf seunim 17 y
Doing better today! Nymue 17 y
Brain Fog Zoebess 17 y
Cleansing seunim 17 y
All Comments (8)

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