Blog: Fasting Experience
by PBuddy

Day 1

Day 1 complete and feeling fine!

Date:   3/21/2006 7:24:20 AM   ( 18 y ) ... viewed 1912 times

Well, my 1st fasting day is complete.

It was actually a bit harder than I thought because I ate pretty heavily over the weekend so my stomach was gnawing by morning from the residual HCL. This is explained in Dr. Hay’s book. That was a mistake on my part. I should have eaten fruitarian and fresh salads only prior to the big day. Oh well.

For some reason I was treating the upcoming fast like I was on Death Row and had to eat my last favorite meal. ;-) Pretty stupid I know. But I think I will get over this “appetite feeling” once the 1st day is out of the way. We’ll see.

How my day went? Upon waking I drank a few cups of herbal tea (Red Raspberry) in distilled water. I love drinking a warm beverage in the morning. I can usually go til noon before eating while not fasting, so I did the same today. I also had 4 capsules of Olive Leaf powder.

I let my cats outside and I basically worked most of the morning (I’m currently a software engineer by trade and work 90% at home), until noon when I decided to have some Sorghum. I chewed up a tablespoon, and then got my distiller brewing for another batch. The Sorghum really tides you over for hours.

Before getting back to the computer grind, I went outside. My kitties are usually around and like to play. My youngest (Nabu) chases balls and sticks or whatever you chuck his way. If I could only teach him to bring them back! It was a nice day here in NH, but very brisk. And by the way, no chemtrails in sight! I wonder where they are lately? I haven’t seen anything remotely like a chemtrail since last summer. As much as I want to believe my friends on curezone they are real, it only further confirms my theory that perhaps they aren’t or maybe they just don’t spray coastal areas as much??

When I take breaks from work, I usually go out barefoot and walk around my yard to soak up some solar energy. I also bring a golf club with me. Walking stick? Nah. I used to be a professional golfer so it’s a bit of a habit to make practice swings wherever you go. I also have a swing net set-up on my deck where I hit balls into. I often go out there for some rays and a little bit of exercise. It’s sort of my routine when I take breaks from writing computer code to get some fresh air and sun, as well as do something I enjoy.

At 2 pm I took a break and juiced my 1st oranges for lunch. I made about ½ pint and then I added some distilled water and drank the whole 16 oz rather briskly. I liked the “full stomach” feeling it gave me by drinking it quickly. It made me feel like I actually had some lunch!! After that I went to the hardware store. I had to pick up some building materials. My wife and I are remolding our living room.

Upon returning, I had another tablespoon of Sorghum and brewed some more tea. This time I had some Ginger root. I love Ginger like most stimulant herbs. Then I got back to work until my wife returned home form her 9-5 interruption in life.

Since the living room remodel was waiting for us, we needed to get the gym out of the way so we went immediately. She ran 2 miles and I did my leg routine on the nautilus machines. After we got home we both had some Sorghum and got to work on the living room. At about 8pm I juiced my remaining oranges for the day and drank my dinner. We then worked for another hour, then watched some TV before bed.

At bed time I always take my 2nd Olive leaf installment and LBB capsules, brush my teeth, and then load the gums with tooth powder. I didn’t feel weak the entire day. We’ll see what tomorrow brings.

All the best,

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Comments (16 of 16):
I broke it too grassguita… 18 y
Re: headaches grassguitar… 18 y
Re: very inspiring… PBudd… 18 y
Partial fasting. grassgui… 18 y
very inspiring, to… chiro… 18 y
Re: Way to Go PBuddy 18 y
Way to Go M.O.G. 18 y
Yay! n/m grassguitarcarro… 18 y
Re: headaches PBuddy 18 y
headaches grassguitarcarr… 18 y
Re: Good Going! PBuddy 18 y
Good Going! midge 18 y
Re: Chemtrails PBuddy 18 y
Re: We're cheering… PBudd… 18 y
Chemtrails grassguitarcar… 18 y
We're cheering you… Dazzl… 18 y
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