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by deocder

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Date:   10/28/2005 9:40:21 PM   ( 19 y ) ... viewed 1976 times

Hunger....or is it boredom? Or lonliness?

Some ice cream would be good right about now!

I just had some carrot, apple, parsley juice.....not very satisfying. Of course, it isn't hunger I am really tring to satisfy, is it? Let's look at me....nope, don't feel like it.....but I am sitting here in my spot, just came inside from working on the I'm in a transition. I am contemplating taking pictures of things to put on e-bay, but I'm not jumping to do that.....all my e-mail is checked, got all the newest music, e-bay auctions are steadily plans for tonight except for working on the car and putting things on e-bay. I said yes to working overtime tomorrow...not looking forward to that, but it's not that bad, the money will help for school....

So here I am, it's around dinner time. I need to figure out what to eat for dinner so that I don't run myself into another crisis. The truth is that I want to eat something that tastes good. So what tastes good? Other than Coldstone Creamery? That's actually healthy? ....pause.... it seems that I am lazy also, don't feel like running around to get food, although I would for ice cream....what do I really want to eat? MMmmmm....Hard Times Cafe would be good.....of course it would be another trip to eat alone....eating sucks! Do I have anything substantial to juice? Celery, cucumber, yams, squash, zuccinni...thats about it. What can I make with that? The squash and zuccinni cant be juiced. So dinner is cucumber, celery and yams! Yeah!!! Screw that!


I'm thinking a calzone.....

Of course, that will lead into ice bad thing seems to lead to another.

I'm talking with my ex-girlfriend online......i miss her. It's been so long since I have shared intimacy with someone....these thought make eating ice cream seem very appealing.......but think about what happens after the ice cream......sick feeling, bad digestion, poor skin, weight gain.....and you know what, I DON'T CARE right now! Damn that's *@#^& up!

Damn this eating thing! Going back on the Master Cleanse seems appealing right now....

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Comments (9 of 10):
Re: Oh..! deocder 19 y
Oh..! 9thbody 19 y
Sometimes it just … 9thbo… 19 y
Wow! dgaskellphoto 19 y
Re: Nice Job! deocder 19 y
Nice Job! 100th monkey 19 y
for crapinzee loren1912 19 y
Thanks, remember s… Kermi… 19 y
Hope you don't min… JeSui… 19 y
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