Blog: Yet Another FAST- Chronic yoyo dieter, juice fasting, water fast
by l1724



Date:   11/20/2009 3:45:04 PM   ( 15 y ) ... viewed 50898 times

11/20/09 Friday Day 12
Weight- 141.8

Wooh- today has been quite a mental handful. I am thinking of food quite a lot. The best thing to do in this situation is remove the source of frustration- the Protein Plus Power Bars! For one thing these aren't raw, they're not calorie friendly (300), and the biggest dilemma with them today is, they aren't included in my water fast. They aren't even included in my normal daily diet but boy they sure have me sweating today! I work at a medical fitness facility and they are right behind my desk- shoot! Anyway refrain, refrain, refrain. Only an hour left and I can get out of here- clearly that's what I need to do today.
Okay, I've gotten a grip- it's only a stinkin Power Bar, seriously! I have so much else in my world that food should be the last thing I'm thinking about so I made it happen. Done with those thoughts and will concentrate on how much better the ole backside is looking and how I'm not pulling at my tight clothes trying to conceal "the secret" of weight gain.
Some stomach rumbling today but I'm trying to drink more water to offset that. I haven't been drinking enough water during this fast at all. I average approximately 48 oz a day which is not the amount I normally drink. I usually make myself drink a gallon of water a day but haven't wanted to feel bloated but I better bump that up. I'll keep on and keep my mind and body out of the kitchen! I'm not quite done yet or where I want to be. Weekends are HARD I know but stay strong if you are really in this to change- you'll be so glad you did. :)

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Comments (4 of 4):
Re: WATER FAST- DA… MayaK 15 y
Re: water fast- da… ren 15 y
Re: Looking at you… L1724 15 y
Looking at your bl… Fasti… 15 y
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