Blog: Juice Fasting for the third time - 28 days
by disturbance

The Juice Fast, Day 17/28

It's calm in the eye of the hurricane.
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Date:   5/28/2008 4:46:52 AM   ( 17 y ) ... viewed 2621 times

I still feel cold most of the time, curiously not outside, though, unless I stand still for a long time.
During the weekend I started feeling and looking more bloated, that might have been because I didn't have the time to have an enema in several days. Now I feel and look much better again.

My energy levels aren't that great - in the morning it's easy for me to almost get irritated, and although mentally I feel relatively alert, my body lacks a lot of topical energy. I last no matter how hard I need to walk, but I start panting sooner, and I don't feel energised, if you know what I mean. The only exception to this is when I get temporarily excited about something, and, well, in my case that happens quite often. Then I feel almost too chipper, I get a rush of energy, and I really need to concentrate to keep my head cool. That's nothing new, because of my attitude towards life I often get excited about even minimal things. Now it just seems like it's getting a bit out of hand!

Yesterday's entry exams were super duper difficult, and it's clear I didn't pass. Too bad, no Nutrition studies for me this year. I've got to get myself loaded with information for next year, then. Otherwise I was well prepared, I reckon - I had warm clothing on me as I knew it'd be freezing in the auditorium, and I had plenty of juices and water with me, as well as a thermos flask of hot Vogel veggie broth. The only thing that I missed was even more clothes, I really got quite cold towards the end. But otherwise my concentration was good regarding the level of the questions, and I didn't get hungry. Well done. On the long train ride back I read the Philosophy book, and sketched some logos as I felt a bit artistic.

Today's full of running from one place to another again, but not quite as busy as Monday was. Tomorrow I've got another entry exam, on the Philosophy book I've just finished, and afterwards I'm going to see some local friends who live round there. I'm so glad to have travelling mates all around the world, all around this country as well. There's always a friend where ever I go and if not, I'll make one!

So, I'll be back updating on Friday when I get back to work.
So far nothing new to mention, I haven't really had cravings, and turning things down is effortless, but I do still wish the time would go a little bit faster. I have to be honest, and yes, I'm only glad my fast won't last a bit longer! I've been thinking about some stuff I'd like to prepare for myself afterwards, but I've only had to refrain from planning my diet any more carefully as I'd surely only start feeling hungry and miserable. So in the end of next week, and over the weekend and during the first two days of my Post Week I'll plan my menu for the time I'll be at the ProvinssiRock festival (oh yay! I won't be able to enjoy heaps of booze and sausages there like you do, but maybe that'll just be the necessary kickstart for a permanent lifestyle change) - I'll just have to carry heaps of veggies, water, and some juice with me. Maybe some beans and smoked salmon towards the end of the week, I'll have to see how hungry I am, and what sort of healthy cravings appear.

But for now, nothing new round here.

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