Navajo Land Endangered 18 y
Help block dirty coal-fired power plant on Navajo lands in New Mexico. Sign on-line petition sponsored by NRDC--quick and easy!
Please speak out now against plans for a dirty, coal-fired power
plant in New Mexico that would release mercury and other toxic
contaminants into the environment, pollute waterways and
threaten human health.
Go to
right away and tell the Bush administration to reject the
proposed Desert Rock power plant.
A global energy company and the Dine Power Authority want to
build the plant on the eastern edge of the Navajo Nation in
northwestern New Mexico.
The Four Corners region is already home to two of the most
polluting powe ... read more
Spectacular Sky 18 y
Every day, professional photographers post gorgeous photos of our universe...stunning beyond words!
A Spectacular Sky Over the Grand Tetons
Credit & Copyright: Wally Pacholka (; Image Processing: Tony Hallas
Check out this great website!!
Astronomy Picture of the Day:
Discover the cosmos! Each day a different image or photograph of our fascinating universe is featured, along with a brief explanation written by a professional astronomer.
See the archives for more fantastic photos!
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Poem:Goddess Gaia 18 y
Goddess Gaia
Goddess Gaia,
Queen of the Earth,
Her Silken Gown spun
from the Waters of the Sea
with colors of the Bluest of Blues
and the Greenest of Greens,
threaded with Purple and Silver and Gold,
Her hair of Water Lilies,
Her skin of Darkest Earth,
Her eyes of Brilliant Emerald
With Centers of Sapphire and Diamond,
Her wings of Red-Tailed Hawk
and Her tail of Woodland Wolf,
swirled and whirled
Goddess Gaia Danced, faster and Faster and FASTER,
until She blurred into All Creatures,
Two-Legged and Four-Legged, Winged and Furred, ... read more
"Greener" Computers! 18 y
Before buying that new computer, check out the EPA's tool to find all the top high performance computers that are the most energy efficient, have the least heavy metals such as mercury, and are easy to recycle. Green electronics made easy: check out the EPEAT tool.
Check out the latest "greener" computer ratings here:
EPEAT is a system to help purchasers in the public and private sectors evaluate, compare and select desktop computers, notebooks and monitors based on their environmental attributes.
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Help the World! 18 y
Two simple actions to Make A Difference in Our World!!
Save Rainforest for Free!
Save 11.4 Square Feet of Rainforest Daily! With a simple click of the mouse, you can save endangered forestland -- for free! -- every day!
Almost two acres of rainforest disappear every second. You can help turn the tide by protecting some of Earth’s most precious natural treasures...
With a simple click of the mouse, you can save endangered forestland
-- for free! -- every day!
Just visit
and click on the green button.
It works! Since the site ... read more
Eco-Laundry 18 y
Eco-friendlier laundry products and equipment that have less of an impact on the health of people and the environment can readily be found in today's market.
--Front loading/energy saving washing machines:
I just purchased a Kenmore HE 2Plus front loading automatic washer from Sears, and it uses 15 gallons of water per load vs the 40 gallons of water per load that conventional top-loading washers use. It is marked as an Energy Star/High Efficiency washer, using approximately 161 kilowatts/year electrical energy, compared with the average of 680 kilowatts/year conventional washer. The washer was expensive--$700 on sale, including free delivery and hauling away of the old machine (to be recycled for scrap metal) but I get a total of $13 ... read more
Pesticide-Autism Link 18 y
Important new study suggests link between pesticide exposure during pregnancy and autism. Children born to women exposed to two particular organophosphates during their first trimester of pregnancy had a risk factor for developing autism six times greater than mothers not exposed.
Pesticide link to autism suspected
A state study suggests two farm sprays may raise chances of having a child with the disorder.
By Marla Cone, Times Staff Writer
July 30, 2007
Women who live near California farm fields sprayed with organochlorine pesticides may be more likely to give birth to children with autism, according to a study by state health officials to be published today.
The rate of autism among the children of 29 women who lived near the fields was extremely high, suggesting that exposure to the insecticides in the womb might have played a role. T ... read more
Saving Wild Places 18 y
BioGems, a project of the National Resources Defense Council (NRDC)is my favorite environmental organization! BioGems focuses on saving endangered wild places around the world.
Liora’s Note:
SUPPORT BIOGEMS by becoming an online activist!
It’s easy!
Just sign online petitions and e-letters that BioGems generates!
This sounds simple,
but it really makes a difference when governmental/industrial agencies receive THOUSANDS of these e-letters!
Go to BioGems home page and check out all of their current projects to
Save Wild Places around the world:
http://www.savebiog ... read more
H.Potter Saves Trees!! 18 y
I just bought two of the special edition books of the 7th and last of the Harry Potter series by J.K. Rowling for my relatives. What an added bonus to find out that these books are printed on 100% recycled paper!!!
from the publisher (Scholastic): ”We try to produce the most beautiful books possible, and we are also extremely concerned about the impact of our manufacturing process on the forests of the world and the environment as a whole. Therefore we are pleased that all of the paper in your hands is certified to the standards of the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC). The text is made from 100% post-consumer waste fiber. The jacket contains 30% post-consumer waste fiber and was manufactured using Green-e certified wind-generated electricity.”
COMMEN ... read more
Save Wolves NOW! 18 y
Alaska kills wolves via aerial gunning. Idaho and Wyoming propose similar programs for their wolf populations. Stop this barbaric practice by signing an online petition to your U.S. Representative! Quick and Easy!
photo from:
Alaska’s brutal practice of aerial gunning has already claimed the lives of at least 670 wolves, with state officials even proposing to offer a $150 bounty to increase the killing. And now even the Greater Yellowstone wolves could face this barbaric killing as Idaho and Wyoming propose aerial gunning programs of their own. We can stop Alaska’s aerial gunning dead in its tracks -- and prevent the slaughter from spreading to other states. Sign our Citizen Cosponsor petition urging your Representative to support a bill that will stop Alas ... read more
Save Whales NOW! 18 y
The U.S. Navy wants to deploy low-frequency sonar system to 70% of the world's oceans. Sonar is known to deafen, maim and kill whales. Send an e-letter TODAY voicing your objection! Hurry, deadline for submission of public comments is limited to 15 days total by the Bush Administration.
The American people have rejected it. The federal courts have ruled against it. But the U.S. Navy won’t take NO for an answer. It’s bringing back a sonar system so powerful it can impact whales 300 miles away with its ear-splitting noise. Its effects are so far-reaching -- and so unknown -- it could threaten the survival of entire populations of marine mammals. Now the Navy wants to deploy this Low-Frequency Active (LFA) sonar system across a staggering 70 percent of the world’s oceans. And the Bush Administration has given the public only 15 days t ... read more
Maasai Save Lions 18 y
Maasai tribesmen, who once hunted lions as part of their manhood rituals, are now developing a lion protection program to save the regionally endangered species.
Maasai tribesmen become brothers with a former foe
A troupe from East Africa performs to help save lions, once killed in a ritual of manhood.
By Tony Perry, Times Staff Writer
July 5, 2007
SAN DIEGO — In their songs, the Maasai tribesmen of East Africa have long celebrated the killing of lions as a test of their manhood.
But now the Maasai that live in the Mbirikani Group Ranch in southeastern Kenya are trying to change their traditional antipathy toward the majestic-looking beasts.
To spread the message that the lion deserves to be saved, a troupe of Maasai are spending the ... read more
URGENT:Save Arctic from Big Oil 18 y
The Bush Administration has approved Shell Oil company to start drilling in the Beaufort Sea that borders the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge. The government's own experts predict that at least one oil spill will occur! Help NRDC go to court to shut down the drilling!
Dear All: I usually don’t pass on environmental info that asks for a donation; however, NRDC is my favorite enviro group and the cause is URGENT.
Thanks! Liora
Date: Mon, 09 Jul 2007
From: ”NRDC - Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. ”
Subject: Stop Shell’s Arctic Drilling This Month -- Before It Starts
Dear All,
The Bush Administration is opening the back door to the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge by allowing Shell to start drilling off its spectacular coastline this month.
NRDC needs your immediate help to g ... read more
Sensual Gaia:Poem 18 y
Photo-Poem: What Goddess Gaia Hath Wrought/Monster Flower photo
Photo by Liora Leah
Look around thee and see
what Goddess Gaia hath wrought
…seed bearing flowers with stamens and pistils
…pollinating insects
…dark, rich, moist soil
from which spring all things green
Every thing is fecund, ripe, sensual
Now, feel thyself to be a part of it all
Liora Leah
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Cocoon Poem 18 y
Butterfly-Cocoon Poem. Read the fabulous photojournal about Ecudorian jungle trip by the photographer!!
I am Slowly Emerging
from the Cocoon of myself
into a brighter, shinier ME
one that has Always been there,
but was Obscured
by the Clouds
in my Mind
Liora Leah
June 15, 2007
Photo by marc and nora Leadstone and Leskinen
&nbs ... read more
Save Belugas!! 18 y
Only 300 Beluga whales left in Alaska's Cook Inlet--help save these gentle creatures from extinction! Sign an on-line letter--quick and easy!
Photo provided by National Resources Defense Council by photographer Brian J. Skerry
The magnificent white beluga whales of Alaska’s Cook Inlet are headed toward extinction -- unless we act swiftly.
Today, there are some 300 belugas left in these increasingly industrialized waters -- a 77 percent decline from the 1,300 whales that thrived in the 1980’s.
Right now, you have a unique chance to help save the survivors. After years of ... read more
Eco-Art! 18 y
Wow! I have been having so much fun painting with my new eco-friendly paint on eco-friendly paper!
Art: ”Cosmic Blast” by Liora Leah, Milk Paint on Rhimax Paper, approx. 23” X 23”, May 2007--the paper rolled up on the edges, which I like, by the way, as it gives the art a 3-D quality
Art/Poetry: ”Fire & Wind” by Liora Leah, Milk Paint on Rhimax Paper, approx. 23” X 28”, May 2007
When I was a kid, I loved to do arts and crafts. Developing chemical sensitivity in my 20’s put an end to my painting for years. Recently, I started using children’s non-toxic watercolor paint and have been doing very well with it, but I wanted to try a thicker paint for large paintings a ... read more
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