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Every time you post it makes me think you’re more and more vata.
WhoAreYouNormally Views: 2,792
Published: 8 y
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Every time you post it makes me think you’re more and more vata.

Every time you post it makes me think you're more and more vata.

Well-cooked tofu or maybe urad dal could be ok, but beans really aren't a good choice for vata.

You might find that you can tolerate well-cooked, non-yeasted wheat flour products.

I didn't recommended coconut only for weight loss. Weight loss will be a side effect of raising your metabolic rate.

Enough people anecdotally have reported weight loss from coconut oil that it is certainly worth a try.

Also this

I usually like to work on multiple levels at the same time. For example coconut oil is high up on list of non-pufa highly saturated, high smoke-point, vegetable oils. I have tried all oils and fats I could get my hands on and continually, frying in coconut oil causes no problems and only benefits.

It is high in mct fats which can supposedly bypass the liver for processing and produce energy dircectly. It doesn't mean this will work for you but there is a good chance. The fact that you have extreme vata imbalance makes me think that cooking the hell out of foods (aka frying) will help you digest, kill food-borne pathogens, and generally just be a win with not a lot of downside.

Coconut or sesame oil is good for massage. You might find it helps the under-the-skin bloating problem. I don't exactly understand what you wrote about this, but I think maybe it's toxic lymph.

Indian cooking, where they use a lot of pufa oils - though traditionally this may not have been the case as ghee might have been the staple oil - probably mitigates the negative effects of the pufa with all of the spices than transmute the oil into just a carrier for the spice essential oils/antioxidants/polyphenols/health-promoting-goodness.

Ray Peat has a lot to say about pufa oils and thyroid/metabolic suppression.

When you eat meats you should try to eat grass/wild fed as well, at least for a thorough testing to see what it does to you. Grass fed butter/ghee has a chance at helping your metabolic rate.

I suspect that once you get a handle on this, and it works, which we certainly hope it will, and you are able to double your calorie intake or more, then you will be able to revist a lot of the cleansing you did in the past with better results.



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