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Re: major help needed please
slinkystu Views: 2,898
Published: 14 y
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Re: major help needed please

You could boost your immune system massively by taking vitaminc c powder along with a timed release vit c capsule.Take 2500mg of powder along with 1000mg timed release tablet each morning and then before bed take 1000mg timed release tablet once again for overnight boost.

You can take higher doses if you can tolerate it,vitamin c powder is ab sorbic acid and some people get runny poohs on high doses but it is perfectly safe.You are already eating greens which is brilliant but also make sure to include eggs,raw eggs if you can.Whisk 2-3 raw eggs with some rice milk and vit c powder for a great boost in the morning.Add some probiotic yoghurt for an added bonus of friendly bacteria.

Take a high strength probiotic,biocare do a great 30 billion strength one called "forte" that i have had best results with and i have tried dozens of them over the 3 years i have had candida issues.

Do you have any amalgam/silver fillings in your mouth? If you struggle to get rid of candida no matter what you do and you have Amalgams you could be toxified from mercury,get a heavy metal test done(home kits under £10 in UK)

I would also buy some RAW almond butter as it contains lots of protein and vitamins and will keep healthy weight on you while still letting any bad fats be eliminated.Tastes great with Celery as a snack.

Exercise is also important,light exercise is fine,especially on a candida diet when sometimes energy is in short supply.Brisk walks,preferably amongst plenty of trees.


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