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major help needed please
dutchgirl23 Views: 3,506
Published: 14 y

major help needed please


5 days ago I had a major meltdown. Am having problems with candida now for 2 years.Its not only the candida but I have eczema, allergies, ibs, severe vit Deficiency , a nasty rash (private parts cuz of candida) tinnitus

I know I havent eaten healthy at all till now. So I am changing that. The last 3 days I am on a candida diet ( mostly vegetables) and alot of water, herbal teas and garlic.

My rash did improve a bit. But I still feel that I am not doing enough.

So after researching the internet I found a good detox plan
( the candida diet site) But I cant find Bentonite where I live so I have to come up with a substitute ( wheatgrass isnt a option to)
the cleanse consist of a detoxdrink (psyllium husk + bentonite) plus raw diet + Liver Flush recipe every evening

Does anyone know a good alternative for bentonite??

also another plan I am considering is: in the morning garlic 1 clove with a cup of water followed by a salt water flush and after some hours probiotica. plus eating raw drinking alot of water and dry skin brush.

I am going on a long trip in 10 days and I really want to do a good cleanse before and commit to eating raw and healthy.

How do I get alot of candida out of my body in 10 days with easy accessible foods/supplements?? because I dont have time to buy things online I have to do with the little things I can find in my healthstore.





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