I didn't know there was an Ozone forum alreay. Excuse me if I posted this thread at the wrong place. I 've already posted it at the Ozone forum as well.
Hello all,
I’m new here and looking for a versatile ozone generator. I found one on AliExpress that uses both air and oxygen for ozone production. I’ve read about units from AliExpress—check out this article: AliExpress founded. Has anyone tried this?
You said it can cause an embolus. Can you elaborate upon this? Does this mean it is better off done in the clinic? Also, I e-mailed back and forth with Saul Pressman, and he said I should be fine if I follow the instructions for vaginal insufflation. Do you have any comments with regard to this statement?
Even if air is blow in to the vagina it can result in an air embolus. I have heard of cases of this happening with vaginal ozone insufflation as well. Some people claim that ozone cannot cause an embolus because of the lack of nitrogen. I disagree. If you can form bubbles in a glass of water you can form bubbles in the bloodstream. There is also a good reason why IV and IA ozone injections are given at such as slow rate. Again you do not want to cause an embolus.
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