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Re: Why do I smell like a fart/poop when I didnt fart?
BrightSideOfLife Views: 15,613
Published: 7 y
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Re: Why do I smell like a fart/poop when I didnt fart?

It's a variation on Increased Digestive Permeability. It is not SIBO like others in this thread have wrongly made it out to be. If that was the case they would no longer have the problem.

SIBO is a result of poor and a compromised stomach function which allows bacteria to enter the small intestine. Without acid they can live in the small intestine. The problem lies in the stomach! When microorganisms attack the stomach and make a home they cause Increased Digestive Permeability and this can in some circumstances cause Foul Odour where odours from the colon enter the lymphatic system and are expelled from the body's elimination channels. Every surface in the stomach is linked to later areas of the digestive track. Therefore whichever surface a microorganisms attacks can also affect the permeability of later areas of the digestive track. Attack one surface in the stomach and cause Increased Permeability in the colon. Other things do also play a part such as detox and energy flow. Weak Kidney energy has a large effect and can make energy flow near the skin much worse. Chances are you have been through a considerable amount of stress so this might affect you.

You need to destroy the infection. These are extremely resistant microorganisms and take a lot to beat them. Antibiotics cannot and will not destroy them. A combination of enzymes, [Q]uorum [S]ensing [I]nhibitors and [E]fflux [P]ump [I]nhibitors followed by some strong Antibiotics . All of these would help to defeat them. QSI and enzymes such as Interase/Interfase plus, maybe some additional Serrapeptase, Nattokinase with some additional EDTA in capsules as this helps to bind to the metals such as calcium, magnesium, iron etc which get released. Binding them stops the microorganisms from re-using them to re-inforce their biofilm. QSI stop them from sending chemical messengers which makes it easier to reduce the biofilm which allows more antimicrobials to enter. EPI stops them from eliminating antimicrobials and makes the antimicrobials more effective. Reducing the biofilm significantly will make it easier to beat them. You do need to destroy the persister cells which will be embedded in the stomach wall.

Ceylon Cinnamon essential oil is quite a strong and widely effective antimicrobial which haas been shown to destroy microorganisms protected by a biofilm. You do need to be very careful with this because it can cause a bad reaction to the mucus membranes. NEVER drink it neat. Either add to food or put a drop in a capsule before swallowing. Expect some strong stomach discomfort. That would happen anyway with or without Cinnamon. The stomach will take 10 to 15 minutes to heal if all the microorganisms have been defeated, otherwise it will all grow back and you will be back where you started. DO NOT UNDERESTIMATE THEM, they will do everything possible to survive! They have prime real-estate with a ready supply of food and they will not give it up easily! They will age you, stop methylation and they may eventually kill you and make you suffer more than you have already.

Some N-Acetyl-Cysteine NAC can help in some cases and so can Boswellic acids. Boswellic acid can be purchased in capsules but I would recommend that you avoid anything which contains magnesium stearate which the infection can use the magnesium to reinforce the biofilm. Boswellic acid should be removed from the capsule and taken directly to affect the stomach. It should be taken along with NAC which can be purchased in small amounts in powdered (crystals) form. The concentration of NAC is important so you will need to judge how much fluid you have consumed to ensure that the concentration is sufficient. The lower the concentration the less the effect. I forget the needed concentration, it was about 10 something optimal per ml. I do not remember whether that was mg, it might of been. 100ml would mean 1000mg which sounds about right.

It will take a lot to beat them but your health will be so much better afterwards. Increased Digestive Permeability puts a big strain on the liver and immune system. It affects methylation processes, can affect the function of women's bodies and can affect the mood too.


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