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Turpentine Safety
  Views: 10,757
Published: 8 y

Turpentine Safety

Hi there,

I wanted to ask anyone who has used 100% Pure Gum Spirits of Turpentine internally, what "safety" precautions they followed, if any. 

I should start out by saying that I'm more than a little paranoid about anything flammable. I've always been this way for some reason, and Gum Spirits of Turpentine being a flammable liquid, makes me "worried" .... not about taking it internally oddly enough, but about the flammability of the liquid and my surroundings.

Nevertheless, I did want to ask what sorts of precautions you take, if any.

For instance:

1. Is it safe to assume that a metal spoon of some sort is used to measure and/or administer the Turpentine? If so, how do you clean or wash the spoon afterwards? Just rinse it in the sink with soap and water? Is it safe to rinse turpentine down the sink?

2. Do you open the windows in the room in which you are using the Turpentine, to avoid any turpentine vapours?

3. If you happen to spill a drop or two, do you clean the turpentine with a paper towel? Cotton/Cloth towel? How do you dispose of (or clean) either of those 2 types of towels (or anything else you may have used to clean up any spills) after it has turpentine on it? Is the towel considered "hazardous waste" and needs to be disposed of accordingly?

4. Do you store your bottle/can of turpentine in a special location? Do you store it indoors or outdoors?

5. Are there any other safety precautions you use when using Turpentine that I may not have mentioned above?

6. Lastly ... has anyone from Canada (Ontario) been able to find or import the Diamond G brand of Gum Spirits of Turpentine? Apparently they can't ship their product across the border and I was just wondering what brand Canadians have used, whether it be Diamond G brand or another brand.

I apologize for what might seem like silly questions to those more experienced than I am with using Turpentine, but I guess  it's better to be safe than sorry.

Thanks in advance for your time in reading, and any feedback you can provide.





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