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Re: Sodium Ring

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chirontherainbowbridge Views: 12,808
Published: 16 y
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Re: Sodium Ring

hello again. I appreciate what you say about it taking you years to realize...(re: food vs tablets). It seems amazing to me to remember, but there was a time I thought of taking a mega-b vitamin, and mega C and zinc, etc, and never considered that the body can't use most of what it gets in that way--and that it then struggles to excrete what amounts to an assault in terms of excess, and to not have the 'supplement' effect a depletion of something else. So much calcium is then called into play, to buffer the acid. I believe the Hulda Clark e's methods contribute to a burdon of acid as well...

It's taken me years to see through all the various one-element
approaches to fixing this or that symptom, ( and once upon a time I was fascinated by " The Cure For All Diseases "; to be fair, I do beleive parasites are an issue for most poeple, but this can be addressed in another way than the "attack" and "destroy" method. It took me ages to get down to looking at the terrain. (Which is the value that I see in iridology). But, as Andreas Mortiz would say, an iridoloist is on;t as good as what s/he can offer AFTER noting the weaknessses or imbalances. That's where the skill and Grace comes in.

Two things come to mind as maybe relevant to where you are at: Vitamin D and calcium. I wish we didn't have to speak in single element names, because these oversimplify and reduce the wholeness and elegance of what contrubutes to the whole piscture of wellness. The names serve the companies that produce and synthesize what we might find naturally, and contyribute to weakeneing us, and cutting us off form our source, which would have us all be well and strong, without having to always be exchanging money for small scraps od health information.

Do you get lots of sun? That would be ideal, for creating your own D. Also, sun without sunscreen, (not with: another lie we've long believed. Also, good natural sources of calcium, and magnesium would probably also include many of the other macronutrients and minerals... Herbs like nettles and alfalfa, horsetail... You can infuse your own mineral vinegars, and if you are okay with good apple cidar vinegar, can take this on greens for a good source.

Dairy products and fortified foods, as you probably know, are not a good source of calcium, and in fact rob the body.
(as does anything acid-forming) There's something lese on the tip of my brain :-) about the sodium...but I can't recall it right now. Will post later, if it comes to me.

So many things are almost the opposite of what we are taught--esp. if industry has anything to do with it. But the important thing is not to get stuck in replaying dark scenarios, and becoming an unwitting contributor to attracting more of the same..(re: David Icke, etc...)

well, best wishes

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