How are you doing? I hope you did not end up taking more iodine and I hope you stopped taking it too.
How are you doing now? I got better and healed. I never had heart palpatations and a tight throat pain/ trouble swallowing after about a year. I can even take natural iodine like seaweeds and black walnut hull.
How much iodine did you end up doing and for how long? I ended up making this same mistake twice but luckily I healed. The 2nd time was when i took 50mg of Iodoral for a week in 2014.
I thought I was going to die and I recovered.
I did take 2g this morning, and after months at this dosage I am *gasp* still alive.
Somehow I doubt that. Also, I do not have trouble sleeping but if you are taking 2g of iodine then I am sure you are getting all the sleep you ever wanted now. Don't tell other people to make the same mistake. Please do not megadose IODINE especially such bad and caustic forms.
These idiots on Curezone almost killed me. Most of it was Grizz with her garbage but deadly protocol and also some Lew ROckwell article featuring that Brownstein idiot. He is as bad as any allopathic doctor.
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