~Rising Above It All~
by Dazzle
Page 1 of 6

The Healing Power of Juicing   18 y  
Juice fasting is THE quickest, most effective way to heal from almost any health issue ...
This is really a most thorough and informative article on juice fasting.  It discusses detoxing the body and colon and it touches up on other types of fasting.  Dr. Foster’s Essentials website offers excellent detox products and health information on various cleanses and explains how they promote wellbeing.  Definitely well worth looking over.  The below article has several links that will lead you to Dr Foster’s website and specific products.  You, of course, don’t have to check the site or the products out at all, the below article is quite fascinati ...   read more

Calcium Rich Foods III   18 y  
The last of the calcium rich foods chart from the *Day Eight* blog
Calcium mg Fat g Cholesterol mg Protein g Magnesium mg Iron mg Fiber g Energy kcal Total Saturated Peas, edible-podded, raw 43.000 0.200 0.039 0.000 2.800 24.000 2.080 2.600 42.000 Pump ...   read more

Calcium Rich Foods II   18 y  
Chart continued from *Day Eight* Blog
Calcium mg Fat g Cholesterol mg Protein g Magnesium mg Iron mg Fiber g Energy kcal Total Saturated Beans, kidney, red, mature seeds, raw 83.000 1.060 0.154 0.000 22.530 138.000 6.690 15.200 337.000 ...   read more

Calcium Rich Foods I   18 y  
Calcium chart from the *Day Eight* Blog
Source Calcium mg Fat g Cholesterol mg Protein g Magnesium mg Iron mg Fiber g Energy kcal Total Saturated Sesame seeds 975.000 49.670 6.957 0.000 17.730 351.000 14.550 11.800 573.000 ...   read more

30 Day Juice Fast Journey -- Day Eight   18 y  
Got Carrot?
I’m sitting here with a lovely, lime-green  AnaMay  clay mask on my face, an absolutely terrific mask that really sucks the gunk out of the pores of my skin while I’m sipping the last of the fabulous cherry-fruit broth I’d made yesterday.  I juiced some watermelon and added that to the  broth today.  Watermelon is practically pure water all by itself.  But don’t let that fool you.  Watermelon is a very versatile and powerful fruit.   For Your Information:   Watermelon is practically a multi-vitamin unto itself. With a 2-cup serving of watermelon containing excellent levels ...   read more

Herbs and Spices   18 y  
The only way to know what works for you in your broths, in your juices, with your oils and vinegars, in your vegetarian dishes is to be adventurous and go forth unafraid.
    If you’ve been following this blog, then you know I like to use herbs and spices generously in everything I consume as a food, whether it’s a solid meal or a glass of fruit juice or a cup of vegetable broth. When I’m on a prolonged fast, as I have mentioned before, I must have a variety of tastes, textures and appearances in all my liquid foods to help keep me going. For that I turn to herbs and spices. They dress up the juices, they give the veggie broths their bites, and fruit broths their exotic sweetness. There are many combinations of herbs to use i ...   read more

30 Day Juice Fast Journey -- Day Seven   18 y  
One week and eight pounds gone with three weeks and twenty two pounds to go!
   M y little brother, Joe, has had one foot in the grave for probably the last decade, maybe longer.  He has severe sleep apnea. He has actually fallen asleep while standing in a doorway waiting for a friend and then fallen out the door. He has COPD.  He has what his docs call chronic, uncontrollable high blood pressure (it’s the chronic, uncontrollable part I am raising an eyebrow to), kidney problems, liver problems, severe edema where his legs and ankles are so swollen up there is no leg definition, they look like water logged tree stumps (ewwwww).   He suffered with chronic constipat ...   read more

30 Day Juice Fast Journey -- Day Six   18 y  
Today was a bit off center...
     Well, since I ended yesterday’s blogging about my daughter being in a car accident, I’ll bring you all up to date.  While her truck was trashed, the front end destroyed, she is well.  She spent several hours at the hospital while they monitored her and when she left she was instructed to lay low, rest, be easy for the next few days.  So, all’s well that ends well, if I may be so trite.  But it was really scary.  That’s two scary things I’ve had to deal with on this fast.    Has anyone noticed that when they’re stressed they feel hungry?  I’m not sure if I noticed that reacti ...   read more

30 Day Juice Fast Journey -- Day Five   18 y  
Six whole pounds of fugly fat and sickly toxins gone gone gone!
       I broke down and weighed myself this morning instead of waiting two more days and I have a six pound loss already on Day 5!  That’s pretty good, six whole pounds of fugly fat and sickly toxins gone gone gone!    I slept very well last night, compared to the night before when I thought my computer crashed.  (Speaking of which, anyone reading this, stop right now and go back everything up on your computer.  You really don’t want to panic the way I did should your computers crash and you lose everything.) I’m feeling pretty good, not so jittery, no headaches, that ugly, ...   read more

30 Day Juice Fast Journey -- Day Four   18 y  
Add a little sparkle to your juices...
    Last night, I thought my computer crashed on me.  It just locked up and I couldn’t reboot it.  I had to turn it off, then when I turned it back on, it kept saying something like, Can’t reboot, insert disk...   Unfortunately, my husband was at work, (he runs a lab for sleep disorders, primarily Sleep Apnea) so I just shut the thing off and went to bed.  Thing is, my life is on that computer... some four years worth of photographs, thousands of my family.  Hundreds of writings with several unfinished projects I’d been working on.  My mailbox alone is about 3 or 4 gigabytes.  I thin ...   read more

30 Day Juice Fast Journey -- Day Three   18 y  
I was hungry only now and then throughout today. But it wasn't the horrid monster hovering over my head with it's drooling mouth and big teeth like it was yesterday.
     Today wasn’t so bad.  Really.  I was hungry only now and then, here and there, throughout the day.  But it wasn’t the horrid monster hovering over my head with it’s drooling mouth and big teeth like it was yesterday.  Yesterday was just down right miserable.  But it’s behind me now, and today proved to be so much more tolerable.  I even had moments of peace.   As I mentioned a couple times before, Day 3 is so very close to the edge of making it out of the really suffering part, that it’s foolish, so very foolish, not to stick it out.  What’re three eensy agonizing days compar ...   read more

The Wondrous Feats of Eating   18 y  
I'll never again take for granted the role each digestive organ plays in getting that bite of food from my mouth to the mouth of the porcelain god.
     W hen I first learned and really understood how the digestive system works and the astonishing amount of physical energy it consumes in order for the system to function at its optimum, I was deeply and profoundly humbled.  I’ve never again taken for granted the mastication of a simple bite of food... I’ve never again ignored the complex career of the tongue, who sorts and catagorizes hundreds of various tastes and textures of each morsel we shove in our mouths.  I’ve never again taken for granted the role each digestive organ plays in getting that bite of food from my mouth to the mo ...   read more

30 Day Juice Fast Journey -- Day Two   18 y  
I woke up this morning bloody starving! But, all in all, I survived.
       I woke up this morning bloody starving.  Absolutely famished!  I could have eaten my feather pillow and I tried.  But it was too tough.  Hisssssss ...   And my tongue was coated in a white film.  Something I am going to see every morning until my body is cleaned out.  A coated tongue is a sure sign of a toxin filled body and everyone’s tongue is coated in the mornings because their bodies detox during their sleep.   So, already the toxins are leaving my body.  After I brushed my teeth, mouth and scraped my tongue (which should be done every morning! ...   read more

Benefits of Fasting    18 y  
How does a juice fast work to cure and rejuvenate the body? By first allowing the body to feed on itself...
Benefits of Fasting     There are several benefits of fasting. During a long fast, the body feeds upon its reserves. Being deprived of needed nutrients, particularly of protein and fats, it will burn and digest its own tissues by the process of autolysis or self-digestion. But it will not do so indiscriminately. The body will first decompose and burn those cells and tissues which are diseased, damaged, aged or dead. The essential tissues and vital organs, the glands, the nervous system and the brain are not damaged or digested in fasting. Here lies the secret of the ...   read more

The Bach Flower Essences   18 y  
Our minds and emotions are stripped bare during 30 day juice fasts. For people who are just starting out, some of these essences could offer an added boost to their inner well being.
       The 38 properties of the Bach Flower Essences which could be of great use for some people doing 30 day juice fasts are listed below. Our minds and emotions are striped bare during these fasts.  For people who are just starting out, some of these essences could offer an added boost to your inner well being.  I’ve tried some of these and can say with confidence  the Rescue Remedy and Red Chestnut worked for me during times of stress and worry.  My son and daughter really liked the Larch and Oak.  But you’ll just have ...   read more

Foods That Heal   18 y  
Vegetable and fruit juices that heal the body.
Consuming These Foods Will Help Heal      T here is no doubt that humankind can not live on supplements alone.   We need protein, carbohydrates and other materials that we probably are not even aware of yet.  Some foods have been shown to help heal certain conditions.   Since we have to eat foods to survive, why not consume the healthy ones -- not just by reducing certain types of fat intake but by ingesting appropriate foods to help the healing (and prevention) process that our bodies were meant to maintain. Nearly every disorder responds well ...   read more

30 Day Juice Fast Journey - Introduction    18 y  
Juice fasting is a superior way to detoxify the body...
     I am boldly embarking on a 30 day juice fasting journey. A journey I have undertaken before. The trip has always been an enlightening challenge to say the least and a journey of heightened creative vision and serene aliveness at its best. Now if I can just get past the first three days of utter starvation, day four will prove to be the day that gives me a breakthrough, convincing me to ride the journey to its end. Juice fasting is a superior way to detoxify the body, thereby allowing the body to heal and rebalance itself. The body knows exactly how to heal itself if allowed ...   read more

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Humans live on one-quarter of what they eat; on the other three-quarters lives their doctor.” - Egyptian pyramid inscription, 3800 B.C. more...

Last Activity: 4 y ago
97 Messages   Last message 18 y ago
241 Comments   Last comment 4 y ago

viewed 953,283 times
Created: 18 y   Jan 16 2006


Comments (10 of 241):
Re: Juice Recipes … Mixie… 9 y
Re: Juice Fasting … kermi… 10 y
Re: The Ups and Do… Stran… 12 y
Re: Juicer Reviews hearth… 14 y
Bowels, bowels, bo… Spiri… 17 y
sounds very famili… clean… 17 y
How's it Going? drpr 17 y
hey healthylife 17 y
colonix after a ju… timet… 18 y
You are back! tambee 18 y
All Comments (241)

Blogs by Dazzle (2):
~Wholistic Well-Being~  18 y  (15)
~The Inspired Life~  18 y  (14)

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