~Rising Above It All~
by Dazzle
Page 4 of 6

The Cellular Workings of the Fast   18 y  
This report explains in a simple, eloquent manner that there is more to fasting than meets the eye...
      Despite the fact that fasting is an ancient practice promoted by religious practitioners through the ages, there also is a solid scientific basis for the practice of fasting. This scientific basis for fasting began to take shape in 1665 when the English scientist Robert Hooke discovered that cork is made of cells. In 1670 living cells (single cell, water dwellers) were described by the Dutch scientist Anton van Leeuwenhoek who invented the microscope.     However, it was not until 1839 that basic cell theory, as we know it today, ...   read more

Juicing: Your Key to Radiant Health   18 y  
Juicing is the final key to giving you a radiant, energetic life and truly optimal health...
             D r Mercola recommends not blending veggies with fruits, ie., apples with carrots, for example... however, while he promotes excellent ideas and insights on wellbeing, there are other proponents to this controversy and I, for one, don’t follow the premise that mixing fruits with veggies is seriously bad thing to do.   I mean, I don’t juice berries with spinach, but I do juice apples with carrots.  Dr Mercola also suggests drinking the pulp, adding eggs and other ingredients to your juices, bu ...   read more

Juicer Reviews   18 y  
Information on various juicers from Consumer Search and eOpinions...
Breville Juice Fountain Elite 800JEXL (*est. $300) Best juicer overall. The big advantage to the Breville juicer is its 1000-watt motor and extra wide, three-inch feeder tube, which means users can skip chopping food into smaller pieces. Reviews say the elegant-looking aluminum Breville juicer is efficient at squeezing the most juice from produce. It is easy to clean, with dishwasher-safe parts. The Brevelle juicer comes with a one-year warranty (three years on the motor), shorter than that ...   read more

Create a Garden Goddess   18 y  
Some garden goddesses will be the traditional large-breasted, large-bellied, large-hipped variety...
      S ince time immemorial, people have made little goddess figures to bless and protect the family or community garden, a sort of calling down of the great universal fertile energy into a piece of land. When we create small images of the Earth Mother to place in our gardens, window boxes, or potted plants, we make a personal link with the spirit of cosmic generosity.   Your garden goddess can be as simple or complex as you like. It’s easy and so much fun! Here are some playful suggestions: Choose materials with weather in mind. If you don’t mind your go ...   read more

Everything is Connected   18 y  
Process philosophy--matrix for the Gaia Hypothesis--holds that what constitutes our universe is not an assortment of lifeless particles but an ensemble of interrelated and dynamic happenings. And each of these events--from the energy that maintains a simple chemical bond to the complex flow of information through a termite mound or coral reef--is in constant change and interaction with all the others.
  Here are four beautiful and meaningful principles of this world view. Discover what they offer you and find out how they may change the way you see your life. 1. Reality in all its manifestations is subjective as well as objective. There is a psychic or experiential dimension to all situations. We have seen how modern science confirms this. Consciousness appears to be finely woven into the fabric of creation, both at the relativistic level of the very large and in the quantum realm of the very small. The same mind that impels us to ask how the world fits together see ...   read more

What's Your Dosha?   18 y  
I'm a Pitta with a splash of Vata. What are YOU?
  Ayurveda is a complete holistic medical system that has been practiced in India for thousands of years. In the ancient language of Sanskrit, “ayus” means life, and “veda” means knowledge. Ayurveda is the science of living. As a complete system that treats each person as an individual, ayurveda is perfectly customized for you. Ayurvedic healing teaches that there are three basic constitutional “types”: earthy Kapha, fiery Pitta, and airy Vata. Once you know your type (we are blends of all types, but one usually stand out), you ...   read more

What Fingernails Reveal About Your Personality    18 y  
Nails reflect your stamina and ability to cope with stress, so the condition of your nails may indicate the degree to which the state of your nervous system affects your relationships...
       The ancient system of palm-reading is based on Vedic wisdom from India. According to this system, the lines in our palms, as well as the shape of our hands, fingers, and fingernails reveals something about our personalities and can also tell us about our relationships with others.   Fingernails are an especially significant feature of the hand, as they are nature’s way of protecting the nerve endings. Nails reflect your stamina and ability to cope with stress, so the condition of your nails may indicate the degree to which the state of ...   read more

Making Life INSTANTLY Respond    18 y  
"Life Response" is the way life suddenly, abundantly, and miraculously responds positively on the outside to a corresponding change of your consciousness inside, apparently defying notions of cause and effect, and space and time. E.g. you change an attitude and suddenly a moment later someone who you never knew before contacts you from half way round the world with news of a big contract, of monetary gain, or other success for you. We can learn to invoke such response from life all of the time, enabling vast accomplishment, success, and happiness in our lives...
            I thought this was an inspiring and very interesting article because it seems to be quite apt with what many of us are trying to do with our lives.  We are working on improving our health, our minds and spirits.  We are changing attitudes, belief systems and shedding old unnecessary negative thought processes.  We’re making good things  happen for ourselves.   The following article takes that a step further by explaining how because we are all interconnected with each other and the cos ...   read more

30 Day Summary   18 y  
I very much appreciate with all of my heart every one of you beautiful people who continued to encourage me along this challenging journey...
      As you know, the original 30 day juice fast journey has reached its conclusion.  I’ve decided to follow Julie’s lead and  write up a summary of the fast, go over all the basic facets at a glance.        Juices I never had a problem with the juices.  I really do love these juices.  I drink them regularly even when not fasting.  I actually prefer the veggie juices over the fruit juices as I am not big on sweet tastes.  Once in a great while I’ll ...   read more

Here We Go 'Round the Mulberry Bush   18 y  
Warning: Contains graphic exposure to food. Read at your own risk...
    Noon:   Guess what I am doing?  I am eating a delicious slice of avocado.  I am taking eensy weensy teeny weeny litte tiny bites so to prolong the ambrosiac experience.  This morning instead of juicing my ruby red grapefruit, I ate half of one.  Oh my garsh!  You know, my jaws actually ached when I began chewing, almost like how TMJ would feel.    Okay that’s enough about eating foods.  I don’t want to upset or discourage anyone.  I will not mention another word about eating anything.  E ...   read more

30 Day Juice Fast Journey -- Day Thirty   18 y  
This is really a faux ending because in a couple few days I intend to go back.
  Happy Valentine’s Day to One and All!   Today is Day 30 on my 30 day juice fast journey with no more days to go .  Isn’t that amazing?  Even though I’ve done this before and even though this fast was relatively smooth, I still fine it amazing each time I reach the end.  Oh, but this is really a faux ending because in a couple few days I intend to go back.  Only I am not going to count the days this time.  Just going to let them come and go with the flow.   Today I went and bought some gorgeous  ruby r ...   read more

Juicing: Why Not?   18 y  
The benefits of juicing are many, while the downsides are few to none.
        I n today’s world, pollution and chemicals come at us from all angles; our water contains toxic levels of metals and chlorine; our produce is tainted with pesticides; and our meat and meat products are pumped full of hormones and antibiotics. It is small wonder that so many of us fall prey to chronic ailments and disease. So much so, that conditions like allergies, PMS, and migraines have become as common as a cold or the flu. In order to live a healthy and vibrant life in today’s modern, fast-paced world, it has ...   read more

30 Day Juice Fast Journey -- Day Twenty Nine   18 y  
I'm going to take three days off the fast, eat raw foods and then I am going to go back on the fast...
       W ell, here I am on Day 29 of my juice fast journey with one more day to go.  Tomorrow is my last day and like I mentioned waaaaay back at the beginning of this fast, I intend to give myself a dozen roses because it’s Valentine’s Day and because I deserve it.  What I would like to know is what all of you beautiful juice fasters intend to give yourselves when you have succeeded in reaching your fasting goals.    Everything is going well as expected.  No more detox moments before now and the end of the fast.  At least, that has been my experience ...   read more

30 Day Juice Fast Journey -- Day Twenty Eight   18 y  
I'm getting so close to the end of this fast, I find it interesting that I now don't want it to end.
    Today is Day 28 of my 30 day juice fast journey with two more days to go before I can eat.  But then, I think I’ve forgotten how to chew.  My experience in the past, is even though I consistently remind myself to be very careful coming off the fast, I find I have no desire to eat.  Eating makes me feel less good, at least in comparison to juice fasting.  Even when I eat fruits and veggies.  My belly gurgles and burbles and even if I have forgotten to chew, my belly sure hasn’t.  And even though I’ve been dreaming of a cheeseburger, salivating over the idea of eating honey baked sal ...   read more

30 Day Juice Fast Journey -- Day Twenty Seven   18 y  
Life is what happens when you make other plans...
I’m unable to devote any time to the blog this evening as I have people over. But I wanted to record that today is DAY 27 of my 30 day juice fast with three more days left.  Whooo Hoooo! Tomorrow I will tell you of my trip to Sunsplash a very cool wholefoods store. Until then, may your evening be full of love and peace. *hugs to all* ~ Dazzle           visit the page

30 Day Juice Fast Journey -- Day Twenty Six   18 y  
I suppose like with anything else, there will always be a Dickweed who will try and ruin the party for anyone else having fun...
      Tonight I’m going to begin this blog with an OxyPowder report.  I took my dose and it worked like a charm.  Only it worked much quicker and as such kept me awake off and on all night long.  No cramping to let me know, which is interesting because I’d wake up anyway.  It’s like my spirit was alert all night and would nudge me to wake up whenever I needed to.  While that was convenient if only because of the potential catastrophe that could have occurred had I not woke in time, I think I would rather do this during th ...   read more

Medicinal Benefits of Whole Foods    18 y  
We should never forget the well-documented, non-toxic and inexpensive healing properties of whole foods...
  For the first 5000 years of civilization, humans relied on foods and herbs for medicine. Only in the past 50 years have we forgotten our medicinal "roots" in favor of patent medicines. (While pharmaceuticals have their value), we should not forget the well-documented, non-toxic and inexpensive healing properties of whole foods. The following list is but a sampling of the health benefits from whole foods. Apple. Lowers cholesterol and risk for cancer. Has mild antibacterial, anti-viral, anti-inflammatory estrogenic activity. High in fiber, helps avoid c ...   read more

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Humans live on one-quarter of what they eat; on the other three-quarters lives their doctor.” - Egyptian pyramid inscription, 3800 B.C. more...

Last Activity: 4 y ago
97 Messages   Last message 18 y ago
241 Comments   Last comment 4 y ago

viewed 953,291 times
Created: 18 y   Jan 16 2006


Comments (10 of 241):
Re: Juice Recipes … Mixie… 9 y
Re: Juice Fasting … kermi… 10 y
Re: The Ups and Do… Stran… 12 y
Re: Juicer Reviews hearth… 14 y
Bowels, bowels, bo… Spiri… 17 y
sounds very famili… clean… 17 y
How's it Going? drpr 17 y
hey healthylife 17 y
colonix after a ju… timet… 18 y
You are back! tambee 18 y
All Comments (241)

Blogs by Dazzle (2):
~Wholistic Well-Being~  18 y  (15)
~The Inspired Life~  18 y  (14)

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