~Rising Above It All~
by Dazzle
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Garlic Magic   18 y  
In one epidemiological study,researchers found that the risk of esophageal, colon and stomach cancer dropped by 35 percent in women who consumed one or more servings of garlic weekly...
    Raw garlic is a superb herb to use in juices when juice fasting for its powerful healing effects.   I use it with parsley as the parsley seems to counteract the scent.  No one complains. ~ Dazzle               In the ever-changing world of magic foods and miracle cures, garlic has maintained its status as virtual panacea of the herbal kingdom. The so-called "stinking rose"  has a history of more than 5,000 years of culinary and medicinal use among cul ...   read more

30 Day Juice Fast Journey -- Day Twenty Five   18 y  
Today was the kind of day that soothes and brings on a high that makes you feel so glad you're alive...
         Today is Day 25 of my 30 day juice fast journey, with FIVE DAYS LEFT.  That’s amazing.  Only five days left before I can eat that avocado and sliced tomatoes.  I’ve been thinking so much about that avocado.  And those tomato slices.  I think the two would most definitely compliment each other.  Then again, they stand alone so well.   But I have to be careful coming off this fast.  I have said this time and again throughout this blog, I must be careful when I come off this fast.  ...   read more

The Amazing Juice Fast   18 y  
There is a vast difference between fasting and starving. Starvation will occur ~only~ when the body is forced to use vital tissue to survive.
      Fasting and the Body (Excerpt from Fasting To Freedom)     For most of us the attempt to fast has not been a pleasant experience. Even to go a few hours without food will cause headaches and discomfort. The tongue turns yellow, breath becomes foul, weakness and dizziness set in, which confirms what you already suspected—fasting is unhealthy and dangerous! Truth is, most North Americans eat in such a way that the body is never allowed to cleanse itself. What many experience in the early stages of fasting is th ...   read more

Breaking the Fast   18 y  
Eating small amounts of raw fruits and vegetables for the first five or six days will allow the body to gently wake up the digestive system...
    Breaking an extended fast can be difficult. You will quickly discover that breaking the fast is harder than fasting. A slumbering digestive system is sensitive, and although you might want to try every food on the planet, you cannot because your system needs time to get back to speed. The longer the fast the more time is needed for breaking the fast. Water fasting demands the longest time to break. The longer the fast the more difficult it is to break correctly. Here is an email to show just how bad it can be. When it came down to actually breaking my fast, I had no ...   read more

30 Day Juice Fast Journey -- Day Twenty Four   18 y  
Julie, who just came off her 30 day fast, hasn't been around all day long. I betcha she's eating! ~wink~
    It’s been a long day.  Not a bad day by any means, just long.  Today is Day 24 of my 30 day juice fast journey.  I have six more days to go!  Less than a week and since it’s already after 10:00pm it’s practically tomorrow, which makes it practically 5 days left.  <sigh>  I envy Julie (ausjulie) who just came off her 30 day fast.  She hasn’t been around all day long.  I betcha she’s eating.  I’d like to know what she’s eating, too.  I bet it tastes so good.  Have fun Julie!     Some S ...   read more

It's a Matter of the Tongue    18 y  
When switching to a raw diet it may take time for the tongue adapt to the new natural tastes...
"When switching to a more natural diet it may take time for the tongue to catch up to the new taste. This is because the tongue has been "pickled" by all the heavy salt, refined sugar, corn syrup, white vinegar, MSG, nitrates, saccharin, Nutrasweet, and other chemicals you have been ingesting. It takes approximately two to three months away from all of these things to get your tongue back to normal. Once you get through the initial phase, then you will start to appreciate the true flavors of the fresh fruits, vegetables, sprouted nuts, seeds, legumes and grains you are eatin ...   read more

Aphrodisiac Foods   18 y  
The avocado tree was called a "testicle tree" and pine nuts have been used for centuries to make up love potions...
Aphrodisiac Foods and What They Claim to Do The following is a list of foods that reportedly act as aphrodisiacs. Some are said to be aphrodisiacs simply because of their shape and some because of their aromas, while others claim a chemical basis for their "love" powers. This is by no means a complete list and, unless otherwise noted, there is no readily available research to back up their claims. Aniseed Also known as anise, the ancient Greeks and Romans believed that you could increase desire by sucking on anise seeds. Aniseed does include estrogenic compounds (female ...   read more

30 Day Juice Fast Journey -- Day Twenty Three   18 y  
I wasn't hungry, physically or psychologically all day. Yippeeee! It comes and goes... I just wait it out and am rewarded with lovely days like today...
    I woke this morning from a deep sleep.  I’ve noticed my sleeping has become very deep and I wake feeling rested, but very slightly drugged.  It takes me an extra five minutes to to get the Sandman out of my eyes.    Yesterday I went to a new produce market I’d not been to before.  I bought alot of carrots, apples and various greens.  Both my husband and I had our arms full.  It was the kind of place where they only offer baskets to carry your purchases in, not carts.  At the checkout, the lady asked why all the carrots and my husband said I was on a juice fast and was on day 2 ...   read more

Detox Diet: Eight Benefits to Juice Fasting   18 y  
There are many benefits to juicing, especially if you prepare the juices yourself...
There are many benefits to juicing, especially if you prepare them yourself: 1. If drank fresh, the juice is full of live enzymes, which is helpful the body. 2. Unlike coming out from a packet, the juice is fresh and not pasteurized. Pasteurization many have its conveniences but it has resulted in nutritionally dead foods. During pasteurization, high heat is used and this destroys the vital nutrients within the juice. 3. You consume more vegetables by drinking than by eating. As you probably have experienced, it’s not always possible to eat as many vegetables as you wo ...   read more

Juice Fasting 101: Building Will(power)    18 y  
A person can be very strong when it comes to dealing with other people - personality wise - but can be extremely weak when it comes to disciplining their own personal self.
Juice Fasting 101: Building Will(power) Two of the biggest problems with any metaphysical pursuit are: 1. Lack of will power 2. Dietary caused low energy levels Will Power: Will power is quite different from ’personality strength’. Just because a person has great personality strength does not mean they have ’self’ discipline or ’will’ power - the ability to discipline their own self. A person can be very strong when it comes to dealing with other people - personality wise - but can be extremely weak when it comes to disciplining their own personal self. ...   read more

Nutritional Program for Fasting: Part II   18 y  
Continued from Part I: These juices may be helpful for particular organs or illnesses, based on my experience as well as information contained in Paavo Airola’s How to Get Well. To prepare juices, we obviously want to start with the freshest and most chemical-free fruits and vegetables possible. They should be cleaned or soaked and stored properly. If there is a question of toxicity, sprays, or parasites, a chlorine bleach bath can be used (see Chapter 11). If not organic, they should be peeled, especially if they are waxed. With root vegetables such as carrots or beets, the above ...   read more

Nutritional Program for Fasting: Part I    18 y  
Fasting is the single greatest natural healing therapy...
Nutritional Program for Fasting Fasting is the single greatest natural healing therapy. It is nature’s ancient, universal "remedy" for many problems. Animals instinctively fast when ill. When I first discovered fasting, 15 years ago, I felt as if it had saved my life and transformed my illnesses into health. My stagnant energies began flowing, and I became more creative and vitally alive. I still find fasting both a useful personal tool and an important therapy for many medical and life problems. Of course, most of the problems for which I recommend fastin ...   read more

30 Day Juice Fast Journey -- Day Twenty Two   18 y  
These are delicious and dynamic juice recipes...
    T he last few of days I’ve not been able to write lengthy blogs due to various life is what happens when you make other plans incidences... unexpected guests, hubby needing his computer to work on mine, the SuperBowl, etc.   Today is Day 22 of my 30 day juice fast journey, with 8 more days to go.  I will admit today I felt pretty tired of juice fasting.  I love the juices and will probably never stop loving the juices (I drink them all the time, even when not fasting) but I am tired of not eating.  Yesterday was especially difficult.  I wanted to eat everything I saw.  I ...   read more

30 Day Juice Fast Journey -- Day Twenty One   18 y  
Nine more days to go!
Between the Super Bowl and my husband needing his computer  while he’s working on my computer, I don’t have time for a lengthy blog. Two things: 1) This is the TWENTY FIRST DAY   visit the page

30 Day Juice Fast Journey -- Day Twenty   18 y  
Two Thirds of the way through...
Today is DAY TWENTY of my 30 day juice fast journey.  Two thirds of the way through!!  Whoooo Hooooo! (Jumping up and down in glee!) ~ Dazzle February 4, 2006   visit the page

"Organic" Foods: Certification Does Not Protect Consumers    18 y  
The same QUACK speaks out and is promptly put in his place...
"Organic" Foods: Certification Does Not Protect Consumers Stephen Barrett, M.D. If you, as a consumer, want to purchase a fake or a fraud of one kind or another, should your government guarantee your right to do so? More than that, is your government obligated to prosecute one who, knowing of your propensity for fraud, tricks you into buying the genuine in place of buying the fake? Remembering that "your government" is all the rest of us, is it right for you to take our time and money to underwrite such ridiculous exercises as making sure you are chea ...   read more

A Quack Speaks Out Against Juicing   18 y  
It's apparent this guy has never juiced and has totally missed the point of shutting down the digestive system. It's pretty bad when he discounts other people's juicing experiences...
Juicing Stephen Barrett, M.D. According to the cover of his book The Juiceman’s Power of Juicing, Jay "the Juiceman" Kordich offers a "revolutionary program for staying healthy, looking young, staying trim, and feeling great -- all by taking advantage of the natural healing power of fresh fruit and vegetable juices." [1] Kordich claims that at age twenty, he became gravely ill with a cancer and was told he might not live. Inspired by literature about the Gerson diet, he began drinking thirteen glasses of carrot-apple juice every day. "Two and a half yea ...   read more

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Humans live on one-quarter of what they eat; on the other three-quarters lives their doctor.” - Egyptian pyramid inscription, 3800 B.C. more...

Last Activity: 4 y ago
97 Messages   Last message 18 y ago
241 Comments   Last comment 4 y ago

viewed 953,324 times
Created: 18 y   Jan 16 2006


Comments (10 of 241):
Re: Juice Recipes … Mixie… 9 y
Re: Juice Fasting … kermi… 10 y
Re: The Ups and Do… Stran… 12 y
Re: Juicer Reviews hearth… 14 y
Bowels, bowels, bo… Spiri… 17 y
sounds very famili… clean… 17 y
How's it Going? drpr 17 y
hey healthylife 17 y
colonix after a ju… timet… 18 y
You are back! tambee 18 y
All Comments (241)

Blogs by Dazzle (2):
~Wholistic Well-Being~  18 y  (15)
~The Inspired Life~  18 y  (14)

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