~Rising Above It All~
by Dazzle
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Pesticide Contaminated Produce    18 y  
The pesticides that were found in these foods are classified by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) as probable human carcinogens, nervous system poisons and endocrine system disrupters...
    It pays to be informed.  It’s not always possible to juice organic.  And sometimes it’s not possible to substitute.  When that happens, it is imperative to wash and rinse your produce thoroughly.  And perhaps even avoid it entirely.   Use common sense and stay informed. Happy Juicing, ~Dazzle  Twelve Fruits and Vegetables to Avoid — Unless You Buy Organic What can you do to reduce your intake of pesticides? Knowing which foods consistently contain the largest amounts of pesticides is the first step. T ...   read more

Radiant Health Through Juice Fasting   18 y  
The purpose of a therapeutic fasting program is to dramatically improve your health...
  This is a very informative article describing a juice fasting program developed by the Archady Holistic Center.  One does not have to follow the guidelines in this article.  One can use the information below as inspiration to their own tailored juice fasting program.  Experiment, play around... grow healthy. ~ Dazzle  The Therapeutic Fasting Program Improved body terrain through toxin elimination. by Healer J. Mark Taylor, Medical Herbalist      The counter-position of health is, of course, ill-health. Therefo ...   read more

The Magic of Juice Therapy   18 y  
Fresh fruit and vegetable juices are a concentrated source of energy, and are the easiest and most effective method for extracting a high level of nutrients...
The Curing Properties of Juice      Juice therapy uses fresh juices to provide a nutritional foundation for the body’s curative processes, because fresh juices play an important role with almost any regime to cleanse the body and restore vitality. With juice therapy, nutrients are supplied in a concentrated, raw, and unprocessed form that is easy to consume and digest, making juice an ideal companion to fasting and health maintenance regimens. Juicing is the easiest and most effective method for extracting the high level of nutrients stored within the ind ...   read more

The Magic of Cucumber   18 y  
The mineral arrangement of the cucumber invests it with definite reme­dial and curative properties... most useful in maintaining the alkalinity of the blood...
          Cucumber is a plant that has been well-known in India and Egypt for 4000 years. Women have always covered their faces with thin slices of cucumber to moisturize and restore brilliance to their skin. Cucumber pulp is highly valued in cosmetology. Rich in vitamin C, it is used in face care products and moisturizing and anti-wrinkle creams. But it’s especially valued in treating oily skin, while prized for its softening and healing properties and its astringent and cleansing action. It normalizes sebaceous secretions. It contains almost ...   read more

Juicing: Elixir of Longevity   18 y  
These tasty nectars are natural tonics that bolster the immune system and encourage the elimination of toxins...
     Juice Therapy Putting the Squeeze on Good Health      Fruit and vegetable juices aren’t new to the American diet. From hospital cafeterias to fast-food outlets to our own kitchens, breakfast isn’t breakfast without orange juice. Juices now come in special packages designed for toddlers’ tiny hands, and health-conscious adults swill the stuff all day long as a tasty alternative to soda. But as more and more people are discovering, fruit and vegetable juices aren’t just delicious. Alternati ...   read more

Aloe Vera: The Beauty Behind the Bitterness    18 y  
It's well worth your while to explore and experience the inner and outer effects of Aloe Vera. When your inner health is at its optimum, your outer appearance will glow and be radiant...
         Aloe Vera, fresh and raw, has played a large role in my life for a very long time.  Since I live in a tropical climate, I am fortunate because Aloe Vera grows like a weed and is commercially grown here in Florida.  It is quite easy to grow just about anywhere as long as it has sufficient sunlight, healthy grainy soil and is protected from extreme weather. As a matter of fact, Aloe thrives on neglect, just not temps below 45º.  It grows suc***s which can be repotted and they ...   read more

The Beauty of Detox   18 y  
Physical beauty is only superficial and merely skin deep until one does a thorough body detox, and then beauty becomes a way of living.
         D etoxification comes in many forms and refers to many different programs that cleanse the body of toxins. Today, our environment is toxic and the foods we eat, even the air we breathe and the water we drink is laden with chemicals foreign to our system. Therefore, everyone is undergoing some type of detoxification to maintain life and health. Although basic detoxification begins with diet, detox programs may include nutritional fortification for the liver, lungs, kidneys, bowels and blood.  We will soon see why these organs are so ...   read more

Rawsome Beauty    18 y  
Strive to become beautiful on the inside and you will become beautiful on the outside...
        All of my life, I wanted to be beautiful. In today’s society, it is more acceptable to insist that you are "beautiful on the inside", unfortunately, those of us on the outside are not seeing your insides. Wanting to be beautiful is now criticized as being shallow. I’m sorry but I would rather be perceived as shallow than hypocritical because I find it impossible to believe than any women is content to be less than she can be. Personal initiative is a powerful force in achieving goals and attaining wealth. What about beauty? A ...   read more

The Beauty of Juice Therapy   18 y  
Not only is raw juice the best possible tonic for promoting all-round health and general well-being, each juice has specific therapeutic properties. You can use the juice as a quick fix to treat a range of common complaints. Here are some recipes tailored to specific ailments...
     If you want a clear mind and uplifted spirit – and who doesn’t – not to mention energy, drinking raw juice each day is a great step in the right direction. It is an excellent way to clear a cold, banish a hangover and even clear the pain of arthritis (provided of course you’ve not been on long-term drug therapy which can sometimes interfere with the body’s ability to detoxify and heal itself). Juice is a perfect fuel for your body. Its high water content means that it is easily assimilated and tends to cleanse and nurture the b ...   read more

Wheatgrass and Beauty    18 y  
Wheatgrass is not only fantabulous for the body's over all health and wellbeing, the cosmetic gurus reveal that wheatgrass is also superb for skin beauty...
   Wheatgrass is a powerful natural remedy in preventing, treating, or alleviating the symptoms of disease. Its therapeutic properties were highly prized by the Egyptian pharaohs, and today many notable doctors and research scientists have given wheatgrass the "green light" for its ability to improve health. Research confirms the potent role wheatgrass plays as an anti-inflammatory, anti-cancer, anti-oxidant and ...   read more

Symptoms to Expect When You Improve Your Diet    18 y  
Yes! We are "fearfully and wonderfully made!"
       If I were asked which is the area of greatest misunderstanding and confusion in the field of nutrition, I would immediately be forced to reply that it is the failure to properly understand and interpret the symptoms and changes which follow the beginning of a better nutritional program. What is meant by a better nutritional program? It is the introduction of foods of higher quality in place of lower quality ones. For example, if a person replaces a protein rich food such as pork with beef, the beef may be considered the superior of the t ...   read more

Cellular Detoxification and Colon Cleansing    18 y  
The cellular structure of the tube connecting our mouth with our %¤#&!§-is similar to that of our skin. What if human beings could turn themselves inside out like a sock? Wouldn't that be a sight?
       The colon can be considered the most important organ of the body. There are nerve connections between the colon and every other part of your body. The colon has two functions: absorption of nutrients and elimination of poisons and waste. Alimentary toxemia also called auto intoxication (having a stagnated colon) has been argued to be the root cause of all disease. Imagine a soft sausage like tube 30 feet long, folded and wrapped into a one-foot space. Even on the purest diet, you can further imagine that after 40 years, there could be a build u ...   read more

Toxemia: The Primary Cause of Disease   18 y  
There is one, and only one disease - and that is toxemia...
    When considering the question of human wellness today, it is worthwhile to examine the role of nutrition and detoxification in achieving optimal health. I believe there is one, and only one disease - and that is toxemia. This can be described as the accumulation in the body of wastes, toxins, or poisons (free radicals). These toxins accumulate primarily as a result of dietary habits, and do so in two different ways.     It is no secret that the typical Western diet consists of over-processed, devitalized foods grown with chemica ...   read more

Trouble Shooting the Raw Food Diet   18 y  
The reality of raw diets is that many try such diets, but very few succeed on them, in the long run...
  Since I am trying to transition to a raw food diet, I thought the below article was very pertinent information to share with the masses.  ~ Dazzle  TROUBLESHOOTING: AVOIDING OR OVERCOMING PROBLEMS IN RAW AND LIVING FOODS DIETS The reality of raw diets is that many try such diets, but very few succeed on them, in the long run. Problems are common on raw diets - far more common than some of the idealists promoting such diets, care to admit. The purpose of this paper is to list some of the more common problems that can occur ...   read more

Interview With Dr.Schulze   18 y  
Doctors are unbelievable. According to them, drugs are the foundation of healing. And according to the healthfood people, vitamin tablets are. They're all wrong.
  JUICE-FASTING The powerful healing therapy that no-one ever uses Dr. Richard Schulze, N.D., M.H. The below is an interview by Sam Bisers of Sam Biser’s Newsletter "Herbal Therapy for Serious Illness" featuring medical Herbalist Dr. Richard Schulze. The formulas and methods you are about to learn have never been released before to the general public. They were developed by Dr. Schulze at his clinic for the terminally-ill. When you don’t feel well, stop eating and go to juices SCHULZE: The first thing an animal does when it ...   read more

30 Day Juice Fast Journey -- Day One   18 y  
This Entry Is Out Of Order: Belongs At The Bottom!
     M y objectives in doing a 30 day juice fast is to try and quit smoking (once and for all! -- yes I’ve been through that before, too), do a whole body detox , and to knock off 30 pounds and 10 years. Not asking for much am I? But with juice fasts done correctly, it’s highly probable that I will succeed with at least 3 out 4. I’ve done this before, so I know what to expect and am aware that the next three to four days are going to be uncomfortable, at times very uncomfortable, but there’s brilliant light at the end of the tunnel after four days. Well, I’ve loaded up on prod ...   read more

And, The Beat Goes On...   18 y  
The next time you come across someone who's cranky, snappish, impatient, intolerant, mean spirited, angry, loud tempered, depressed, upset, nervous, panicky, anxious assume it's their shoddy nutritional diet talking...
Greetings My Fellow Health Nuts, Raw Food Lovers, Furious Fasters, Seekers of Truth and Gentle Readers,     Yesterday, Sunday, Feb 19, 2006, was the last day on my extended 30 day juice fast and I ate light raw foods today.  So, I fasted for 30 days with two days on raw foods and then back to fasting for four more days, for a total of 34 days.  That was interesting journey, to say the least.  I had alot of fun and I learned so many new things I can incorporate into my life right now such as the raw foods lifestyle ...   read more

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Humans live on one-quarter of what they eat; on the other three-quarters lives their doctor.” - Egyptian pyramid inscription, 3800 B.C. more...

Last Activity: 4 y ago
97 Messages   Last message 18 y ago
241 Comments   Last comment 4 y ago

viewed 953,282 times
Created: 18 y   Jan 16 2006


Comments (10 of 241):
Re: Juice Recipes … Mixie… 9 y
Re: Juice Fasting … kermi… 10 y
Re: The Ups and Do… Stran… 12 y
Re: Juicer Reviews hearth… 14 y
Bowels, bowels, bo… Spiri… 17 y
sounds very famili… clean… 17 y
How's it Going? drpr 17 y
hey healthylife 17 y
colonix after a ju… timet… 18 y
You are back! tambee 18 y
All Comments (241)

Blogs by Dazzle (2):
~Wholistic Well-Being~  18 y  (15)
~The Inspired Life~  18 y  (14)

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