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Re: Low Stomach Acid Connection
R by Ginagirl 14 y
I wouldnt wait with iodine;
”Iodine Supplementation and Salt. The stomach requires iodine to activate chloride from salt to produce more concentrated stomach acid. Drinking 2 – 3 drops of Lugol’s iodine (10% potassium iodide (SKI) with 5% elemental iodine in 85% water) in a little water or milk every day is usually recommended.”
10,718 hits
Forum: Iodine Supplementation
Low stomach acid GERD and lung problems
RR by paraboy 13 y
View Entire Thread 2
Here is an interesting take on how stomach acid can actually damage the lungs.
Also, low stomach acid is actually the cause of GERD because it causes the spincter muscle to relax resulting pathogens infiltrating the area.
Iodine increases our stomach acid. Another connection to iodine deficiency, GERD and Lung diseases.
3,032 hits
Forum: Iodine Supplementation
Re: Low Stomach Acid Connection
by sobeman88 14 y
Yes! I think we have something here finally. My personal opinion is that we wont process supplements if we have low stomach acid! So everyone who is taking antifungals, parasite herbs, thyroid support, etc..etc..etc.....they wont work properly if they are not broken down in the stomach. They are basically useless! I am no doctor, but this seems very OBVIOUS! This has been my problem for sure. Even with the iodine, my body wont process it. But when I fix my acid problem, then I will take iodine. In return the iodine will naturally fix my low stomach acid.
Confusing, but I know this is t ...
10,422 hits
Forum: Iodine Supplementation
Re: Query on amount of Detoxodine to take to equal equiva...
by Ginagirl 10 y
The shape of the stomach shouldnt have much to say; too high Ph of the stomach acid is usually the problem, not the other way around. When one tries to alkalize it, the problem even accelerates. As there is a fermentation instead of digestion; the fermentation (gas) brings the stomach acid to the top. A few threads to explain;
2,998 hits
Forum: Iodine VWT
Breast Cancer
Re: Iodine Makes Other Things Work Better
by Ginagirl 10 y
Yes, definitely agree. Have a look into the article I linked in a post below. When there is a problem with tolerating food, supplements etc, have a look into the stomach acid.
First thing I would fix was the stomach acid. When this is good and low enough PH, the digestion and utilization works so much better, in my experience.
Connected to thyroid
1,568 hits
Forum: Iodine VWT
Re: Help needed
by BioDude 12 y
Jerry how much you use salt ?, sodium is related how stomach
”The Symptoms of Over and Under-Production Are The Same
Strangely enough, the symptoms of stomach acid (hydrochloric acid, HCL) over-production and under production are virtually identical. It is therefore unwise to jump to conclusions regarding what’s occurring in the stomach without actual testing.”
”Sodium and stomach acid. Sodium imbalance is related to stomach acid disturbances in some cases. Apparently, sodium ...
2,229 hits
Forum: Iodine Supplementation
Re: My iodine journey begins today.
by wombat 14 y
Hi big red! Welcome!~
Have you ever done an elimination diet- that meaning eliminating a food- food group and seeing how you respond to that? Are you able to pinpoint certain foods that can trigger your GERD?
I am wondering, particularly, about wheat/gluten. Many of the symptoms you describe could certainly be indicative of gluten intolerance, at the least. Aches and pains, sinus infections and GERD, for sure. And if your digestive system is compromised, of course that is impacting your thyroid. The connection between the thyroid and the gut was common knowledge back in the 1800s, ea ...
2,221 hits
Forum: Iodine Supplementation
Re: heartburn
by Ferventer 11 y
Once the gel cap gets dissolved by stomach acid I would assume a lot of lugols could be quite irritating to the stomach.
Food doesnt generally dilute stomach acid but liquids will.
I would perhaps try more frequent smaller doses and see how that works for you.
Alternatively Ive seen many report magnetizing it makes it less harsh on the system but haven’t experimented with that yet myself.
1,887 hits
Forum: Iodine VWT
Re: potassium dosage
by just thinking 9 y
If it’s the danger you’re wondering about, it might depend on how your body handles the chloride part. In my case, it raises my stomach acid so high that I have burning pain. I believe one of the reasons that sustained-release potassium chloride was developed was to help avoid ulcerating the stomach lining. Everybody’s different, though, and some might welcome extra stomach acid. Basic directions for taking it include drinking plenty of water with it and taking it with food.
755 hits
Forum: Iodine VWT
Re: ATP Cofactors -- Ferventer was right!
by Ginagirl 10 y
Most important is to check the B-supplements for dicalcium phosphate; as it neutralizes the stomach acid. Vit B`s need a low ph stomach acid to be utilized, same as magnesium and zinc. Tablets are usually full of it, capsules are better. Option is to buy in bulk and make the capsules yourself. IMO 90 % of supplements are garbage; I spent years to find the good ones.
2,796 hits
Forum: Iodine VWT
Re: itribe
by Ginagirl 11 y
Yes B12 is interesting and complex; uptake from food needs a good (low ph!) stomach acid. Vit B`s are needed to make the stomach acid, hen and the egg-ish.
729 hits
Forum: Iodine VWT
Re: itribe
by SickInSeattle 11 y
Hey Gina,
Do you happen to know what other vitamins need a good stomach acid (low PH), or did you just happen to know this interesting fact about B12? My GI doctor thinks I have SIBO and I think I have low stomach acid as well (possibly related). It’d be interesting to know if there are other vitamins I should be looking at closer to make sure I’m supplementing enough in that case.
852 hits
Forum: Iodine VWT
by uchihaMadara 14 y
Does Betain HCL help before every meal?
I mention it cause of many references to Gallbladder issues online.
Here’s one link:
Betain HCL can help train the stomach to produce adequate stomach acid in weeks or months, supposedly.
I’m test-driving it, especially with big meals.
It can help combat pathogens in the stomach if you are unsure about the quality of something you’re drinking or eating by increasing stomach acid. I would not recommend taking it daily forever, but maybe 1 - 2 times a week as maintenance. ...
2,335 hits
Forum: Iodine Supplementation
Re: protocol for dogs
by spudlydoo 16 y
my little dog (a jack russel terrier) is 19 years old, the vet recommended 2 drops of iodine in 10 litres of water for him. He is very spritely now. The reason it is so effective for older animals particulary dogs is that iodine helps increase the amount of stomach acid the older dogs produce, which helps them digest their food better, and increases their appetite as the food is digested quicker so they feel hungrier sooner. Older dogs as well as older humans don’t make as much stomach acid as when they were younger. As dogs are primarily carnivors they need a high level of stomach acid to ...
1,639 hits
Forum: Iodine Supplementation
Re: Please help - hair is shedding...:(
by Ginagirl 11 y
Probiotics are a waste of time IMO. And money. Better spent time is focusing on a low ph stomach acid, then the rest will be taken care in the intestines, with prebiotics from the food you eat. Then a good repopulation of bacterias will happen.
Stomach acid is designed to wipe out all bacterias, ph 1-2 make sure of this. A good working one that is.
Probiotics may have an effect if (too)high ph stomach acid, then some of the bacterias, or probiotics; may survive.
(But I did not have much effect of it even then.)
A shot of ACV is an option.
2,671 hits
Forum: Iodine VWT
Re: 2 months, 25mg/day, going backwards?
by Ginagirl 11 y
As to many other new forum posters, I recommend educating yourself before or while you do a health protocol. Within this forum you can find several threads that may help you with the iodine dosages, up or down, way up etc. Also about the co-supplements that may help. Also it is helpful to fill out diet, health issues, what supplements you take; as this makes it easier to give you input. Now merely guessing;
For allergy I would think adrenals more than thyroid, but they definitely goes hand in hand.
One reason for allergies (adrenal related) is a too low stomach acid. This may cause par ...
1,387 hits
Forum: Iodine VWT
Re: Esophageal ulcers and Iodine
by #78810 18 y
sounds like your uncle is still on zantac ...and for several years...
perhaps it should be considered that it is not working for him, since the situation has worsened.
Now he has Esophageal ulcers. and perhaps it is the zantac that has led to this... seems to me that getting off the drug(s) and treating it another way would change this.
usually people rely on the ama doctors because they really do not want to take on the responsibility of taking care of themselves... that they do not want to make the life style changes that are needed to allow the body to really heal.
iodine suppleme ...
9,253 hits
Forum: Iodine Supplementation
Iodine and stomach acid - pretty important stuff here. Re...
by unyquity 18 y
Supplementing with iodine restores our bodies natural ability to create the correct amount of stomach acid it needs.
It is only natural that in the process, one senses the presence of more stomach acid; those levels WILL fluctuate until the body becomes suffiecient in iodine (as without enough iodine to work with) the body has to ’pick and choose’...not every engine part can work or be normalized until the car has enough gas, eh?
I have never had a problem with enough acid (or so I thought), even though I had all the symptoms of GERD. Stomach acid should NOT go into the espophagus ( ...
24,635 hits
4 of 4 (100%)
Forum: Iodine Supplementation
Re: help with my son's hair test results... (OT)
by digitalman 17 y
Food allergies and other allergy related conditions like eczema are classic symptoms of protein deficiency due to weak digestive secretions which results in leaky gut. Food allergies are triggered by inability of breaking down protein properly (proteins found in foods are what trigger food allergies); perforation of the intenstinal wall caused by aminoacid deficiency (again, inability of breaking down protein), allows whole/partially broken down proteins to enter the blood stream and trigger immune response (resulting in allergies).
Proper protein digestion includes denaturing via stoma ...
2,633 hits
Forum: Iodine Supplementation
Re: stroke vs supplements
by Ginagirl 10 y
Thanks for the info! There may be some digestion issues, too much milk and calcium.., also some kidney issues with her.
= poorly digested proteins, low utilization of minerals, vitamins.
”Low stomach acid = inability to absorb nutrients properly. There’s nothing there to break them down, as referred to into the amino aid bullet. Jonathan Wright, MD, Medical Director of the Tahoma Clinic, reports observing that a number of minerals and micro-trace elements are poorly absorbed in cases of low stomach acid, including calcium, magnesium, zinc, copper, chromium, selenium, manganese, vanadi ...
1,607 hits
Forum: Iodine VWT
Re: Niacin vs. Niacinamide
by Ginagirl 12 y
Think digestion before anything. If the food is not digested properly, there will be a poor utilization of the elements needed for detox and recovery.
The same counts for supplements. Took me ages to be able to absorb magnesium. (stay away from calcium / dicalcium phosphate in supplements as it may neutralize the stomach acid, needed for absorbing magnesium and other minerals)
”Glutathione is Magnesium-Dependent
Glutathione protects the cells from oxidative-stress-induced apoptosis and glutathione levels are magnesium dependent! Glutathione is a very important detoxifying agent, enabl ...
4,106 hits
Forum: Iodine Supplementation
Re: More questions concerning the thyroid
by spudlydoo 14 y
If you are not assimmilating nutrients, its more likely to be a digestive problem, than one of iodine deficiency. I had this problem when I had low stomach acid.
Puffy eys, dry skin, and hair loss, are all symptoms of hypothyroidism, but weight loss and greasy hair, are symptoms of hyperthyroidism. All these symptoms could also be from mineral and vitamin deficiency as well.
Iodine supplementation can help with all the symptoms you are experiencing. Including helping with stomach acid production. Also bitters, and nettle leaf, will help with digestion as well. I also found that taki ...
1,847 hits
Forum: Iodine Supplementation
Re: Fingernails, hair & collagen
by Ginagirl 12 y
Grizz, most of these symptoms are within the hypo T picture.
Presenting this at the iodine forum over and over again; I have to adress it. Once more.
Excess stomach acid is a rare condition, usually the symptoms of burning (like GERD) is because the stomach acid has a too high ph, too alkaline.. which cause the food to ferment, gives the gas upwards, burning; as the trachea is not made for lower ph`s.
Leg cramps are typically magnesium deficiency; due to the low uptake of magnesium because of whats mentioned above. An acid stomach ph nee ...
1,735 hits
Forum: Iodine Supplementation
Does lugols affect stomach acid?
by annajw 9 y
View Entire Thread 3
I had been taking Iodoral and Iosol iodine without any problems but as Lugols is cheaper I have been taking it in the same dosage as the other two and I have an icky tummy kinda like heartburn now. Is lugols more harsh on the stomach or does it affect stomach acid as I often have the problem of low acid which I fix by taking a HCL supplement. Or do you think I just have low stomach acid and it’s nothing to do with lugols? I would appreciate any answers from all the experts here. Thanks
1,068 hits
Forum: Iodine VWT
Re: tonic and stomach problems?
by warthog 17 y
If you have trouble with the pyloric sphincter leading from your stomach into your duodenum, allowing stomach acid to get in there, it may not be a good idea to take the tincture at this time.
Another idea is to try just a TINY amount. You could even try some of those ingredients individually. Can you tolerate drinking a little raw ACV?
If your problem is some kind of bad parasitic overgrowth, it would actually help.
I used to have that pain (several years ago). Eventually, with diet changes, sleep, and time, all of that healed. When I have a putrid feeling in my stomach more ...
2,268 hits
Forum: Iodine Supplementation
Re: Hyperthyroid with Goiter
by grizz 13 y
Acid reflux is caused by iodine deficiency.
Several human organs need iodine but can not absorb it until blood iodine levels reach high values (stomach, salivary glands). Most persons exhibit impaired production of stomach acid as they age. This impaired capability to produce adequate stomach acid may be a result of iodine deficiency as iodine promotes stomach acidity.
A lack of Iodine can cause of Low Stomach Acid (Acid Reflux), causing 150 Million people to take Acid Reflux Medicatio ...
5,261 hits
Forum: Iodine Supplementation
Low stomach acid
by H2ppyG1rl 11 y
View Entire Thread 4
Good morning! I have been taking iodine (Lugols 5%) since January and am currently at 34 drops per day. I have recently been diagnosed with extremely high levels of lead (hair test) and have been told that this was due to the iodine deficiency and my inability to sweat. Installed a sauna last weekend and began LL Magnetic Clay to sweat and remove the lead (get the lead out)! I’m sweating now thanks to the iodine!!!
I am also having difficulty producing stomach acid. Have had a couple of Heidelberg tests and I am just not producing acid. I am taking 5 Zypan HCL each meal to digest f ...
1,907 hits
Forum: Iodine VWT
Re: Swelling from Iodine usage
by illys / elisah 10 y
ATP cofactors is the reccommended supplement for use with iodine
Healthy fats are a very good idea while you’re going through the detox phase, the thyroid uses them very much while making it’s hormones and detoxifying the blood.
I suggest switching from the Calm brand Magnesium to a supplement containing Magnesium Taurate or l-Threonate when the bottle is empty. The taurine/threonate amino acids strengthen the body!
While you are detoxing, the body needs to redbuild many tissues. Healthy fats are the some of the best tools for the job!
Oil-pulling is one of the way ...
2,143 hits
Forum: Iodine VWT
Re: Iodine stop working
by grizz 11 y
Every cell in your body requires iodine but unfortunately, your cells have been taken over by the toxins of bromide, fluoride & chlorine:
* Our body requires both iodine AND iodide (lugols iodine & iodoral capsules recommended)
- - - kidneys, spleen, liver, blood, & intestines can use either form
- - - Iodide (SSKI) is used by the thyroid + skin + Salivary
Thyroid needs 3% prefers iodide
Skin needs 20% and prefers iodide
Salivary Glands prefer iodide
- - - Iodine is used by the prostate + Stomach
Muscles (650mg) and fat needs(700mg iodine) 70%
Breast tissue ...
1,458 hits
Forum: Iodine VWT
Re: Iodine success
by eb23 11 y
I have tried the iodine and that was not the answer for me unless I was not taking enough or doing it long enough. Perhaps my body was not able to absorb the iodine. What I did that worked for me was overhaul my digestive system. I started juicing to thin the blood, taking large amounts of bentonite and large amounts of probiotics, 250 billion a day every day. I also changed my diet almost totally eliminating meat, with a lot of nuts fruits and vegetables. As a man in his sixties I realized my stomach acids were low and beefed up my stomach acids for better digestion. I think in my case th ...
5,952 hits
Forum: Iodine VWT
Social Anxiety
Social Phobia
Heart Palpitations
Re: Did anyone of u had a lab test on selenium????
by Ginagirl 10 y
Be careful with calcium supplements. I would only take it if my magnesium levels was really good / high. And the form would be calcium citrate, gluconate or lactate, if needed at all.
The other forms are not very soluble, if possible to utilize at all. (calcium carbonate, dicalcium phosphate, coral calcium; the most typical calcium supplement forms)
-together with vit D it may cause calcification of tissues, also an alteration of stomach acid, too high ph (alkaline) may cause a difficulty for the uptake of magnesium, zinc etc. Also vit B needs a good working stomach acid for its uptak ...
1,202 hits
Forum: Iodine VWT
Re: Iodine messed up my stomach and digestion but now Dig...
by Ginagirl 10 y
Digestive enzymes helped me too when I had IBS; not iodine related as I had it for a couple of decades. Now I dont need them anymore.
What helped more than anything for me was vitamin B`s and some zinc. These are good companions for the iodine.
Vit B, zinc, magnesium needed for most enzyme reactions in the body. Also for strengthening (lowering) the stomach acid; if this has too high PH, it will ferment the food instead of ingesting it = gas.
The leaky gut because of proteins that aren’t properly digested caused by the weak stomach acid. Iodine is one of the things needed for it, but ...
4,292 hits
Forum: Iodine VWT
Leaky Gut
Re: Lugols 5%
by spudlydoo 16 y
Increasing stomach acid will help with digestion and fungal infections, bitters and ACV are both good for this, our stomach acid production gets less as we get older, so if your in the 40 years plus age group this is something that needs to be addressed.
Good pro-biotics are a great idea, kefir is great, but there are many others, healthy gut flora will keep any fungal infections in check. Wombat’s suggestion of eating fermented foods is also good.
I’ve been taking lugols for nearly a year now, and have had no problems at all with candida.
8,439 hits
Forum: Iodine Supplementation
Re: While we are at it...Off topic
by unyquity 18 y
The first thing that comes to mind are these:
--sodium bicarbonate is high in sodium, so those with reason to limit sodium intake should proceed with knowledge.
--sodium bicarbonate neutralizes stomach acid. Healthy stomach acid is necessary for digestion & assimilation of all nutrients.
BUT, that doesn’t mean it doesn’t have it’s usages and it’s purposes for various treatments.
Gerson indicates that tumors feed on sodium, and virtually eliminated it totally from the diet of cancer patients.
I think I know that sodium is an element that is essential to life.
Make SURE you ...
3,948 hits
Forum: Iodine Supplementation
Adrenals & Iodine (basic thinking) Old Post
by unyquity 18 y
This may be a bit ”basic” for some of the more ’complex’ thinking/thinkers, but I have seen a LOT of people taking all varieties of different support supplements & products over the decades...that have only served to complicate the issues at hand and NOT provide a ”true healing”.
Example: one of THE main reasons for acid reflux and heartburn is a sluggish, slow-moving colon that’s stretched & engorged with mucoid plaque and putrefying food & fecal matter (that backs-up everying in the digestive tract causing copious amounts of stinking gas that causes the acid in the stomach to go backw ...
687 hits
1 of 1 (100%)
Forum: Iodine Supplementation
Re: My iodine journey begins today.
by Ginagirl 14 y
”i am trying to take as much b vitamins as i can, but am having problem with heartburn when i take them. the worse is when i take the Now brand liquid vitamins you mentioned. i have a bottle of it in the fridge. i immediately get indigestion and start burping, which turns into heartburn. i even tried keeping it in my mouth for a little bit, then spitting it out. i still got heartburn. the blue bonnet stress complex doesnt seem to effect me”
I checked out the blue bonnet; it seems as a good complex, and the reason why you tolerate this better may be the ascorbic acid in it. One should t ...
1,860 hits
Forum: Iodine Supplementation
Sea Salt
by H2ppyG1rl 11 y
View Entire Thread 4
Good Evening, I am taking large doses of Iodoral, 387.5 mg per day. (If I take less, I am cold again.) Having an ultrasound tomorrow morning to see if the large fibroid tumor in my uterus has gotten smaller. I am taking all the recommended supplements. Feeling better every week, but am currently having digestive difficulty.
My small intestine is bloated and sticking out pretty far... I have very low stomach acid and have been tested for this in 1998 and 2013 with the Heidelberg Stomach Acid Test. Each time the results were extremely low stomach acid.
I am taking sea salt seve ...
945 hits
Forum: Iodine VWT
by Ginagirl 11 y
Gerd / acid reflux are usually caused by a too alkaline stomach acid. It causes a fermentation in your stomach, which typically causes some gas going upwards, bringing some stomach acid on the way up = burning.
Iodine is of course not causing it, otherways we would be a big load of people here with Gerd.
Make sure your supplements do not contain calcium carbonate, dicalcium phosphate; as it neutralize the stomach acid, make it impossible to utilize vit B, zinc, magnesium, for a starter.
What helped with me was vit B, sulfur, zinc, magnesium; for digestion issues, gerd included (vit ...
1,884 hits
Forum: Iodine VWT
Re: Low Stomach Acid Connection
R by Ginagirl 14 y
”Poor digestion — many organs need iodine, but can’t absorb it until the blood measurements reach very high levels. The stomach and salivary glands are two such organs, but they can’t uptake iodine in any significant amounts until the blood level reaches 100 times what the thyroid needs. Most people do not produce enough stomach acid as they grow older. I firmly believe low gastric acidity can be caused by iodine deficiency, as iodine promotes stomach acidity!”
10,262 hits
Forum: Iodine Supplementation
Re: from Charles Hakala at Hakala Labs on Borax/Fluoride ...
by SixWater 11 y
Did Charles hakala test with boron, or borax? I read somewhere that the correct form of boron is in borax as ionic boron, and that chelates boron is bound too tightly to be separated and will not bind with fluoride. I’ve also read that the borax is converted to boric acid by stomach acid and that boric acid bonds with fluorine to form fluoborate. I read that on earth clinic. I would also really like to know if borax really works I wish someone would analyze urine after ingestion to check for boron fluoride compounds
7,635 hits
Forum: Iodine VWT
Borax, Boron