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Re: Question about MMS- HERPES2
by miller26 17 y
I have also had the same experience with MMS. I felt the tingling sensation but I got no actual outbreaks/sores. MMS works very well to destroy bacteria, fungus, parasites, viruses etc. The issue with MMS is that it is fighting the fight against Herpes alone, hence the tingling sensations. MMS cannot to its best ability fully destroy the Herpes virus when it is protected by it lipid coat (Fat coating). Monolaurin is a supplement that dissolves away and destroys the lipid coating on the Herpes Virus, leaving it naked and exposed to our immune system. Monolaurin is not a drug, therefor ...
3,509 hits
Forum: MMS Support
something is going on with the herpes 2
by ananda7 17 y
View Entire Thread 18
my husband and i have been on mms for about 13 days.
he has herpes 2 and i have herpes 1 and 2. my husband has built up to taking 15 drops 2x a day (he is on his 8th day at that particular dosage).
i am only at 4 to 5 drops 2x a day (b/c of nausea).
here is what we have noticed with herpes. on the 4th day my husband was on mms at 15 drops dosage he had felt the sensations of a breakout in the usual spot he gets them. the herpes started to break out and then didnt quite come out all the way. ---2 days later there was no herpes on the site and no tingling sensation a nut ...
12,531 hits
Forum: MMS Support
Re: Question about MMS- HERPES2
by ananda7 17 y
hi--- one of the reasons my husband and i are taking mms is for genital herpes also. we have been on mms since january 1st. since being on it what has seemed to happen to the both of us (and a couple others on this forum here ) is that the mms initially kinda pushes the herpes to the surface --- like you begin to feel the sensation and tingling of outbreaks coming on but then they never actually break out.
this has happenned to me 3 or 4 times in the short time i have been on mms... others report the same thing.
it is as if the herpes breakout sites are being reactivated in order t ...
4,125 hits
Forum: MMS Support
How can MMS attack Herpes virus in the nervous system?
by #69000 14 y
View Entire Thread 11
From what I understand about herpes, it’s only in the blood when it becomes active. In its dormant state, it resides in the nerves and that’s why it’s supposedly incurable with things such as colloidal silver and blood electrification. How can the MMS get to where herpes is hiding to kill it off? I’m certainly open minded and optimistic, but I would just like to understand how MMS can work against herpes.
11,266 hits
Forum: MMS Support
Re: question about viruses for doc
by turiya 17 y
I am sure you probably heard that the herpes virus resides in the base of the spine.
As from an earlier response to a poster w/regard to herpes question:
Yes, it is the beginning of the fourth week for me and really too early to say anything about it as far as herpes is concerned. Last occurrence was the day before I started the supplementation.
I told myself that i would give it 6 months to a year to be fair with myself and others here on this forum.
It may yet still take several months to fix the leaking gut, which I feel is th ...
2,780 hits
Forum: MMS Support
Re: Genital Herpes
by ananda7 17 y
I WROTE THe below THE OTHER DAY- that is the only herepes story i have for myself personally yet, but i have only been on this mms for a little over a week. i have herpes 1 and 2.
my husband also has herpes and is upt to 15 drops 2x a day where i am only at 4 drops 2x a day. he may see results faster than i, yet his herpes case was very very mild compared to mine to begin with. when i know more i will post it.
i talked to a man named denis richards on the phone. he is on the jim humble site as one of the suppliers. he had an experience already with mms curing his herpes. you can ...
3,814 hits
Forum: MMS Support
Question about MMS
by memento126 17 y
View Entire Thread 5
Hey there, I started taking MMS couple days ago I take it with prune juice which has no vitamin c, I was wondering if its all right. I started with one drop now 3rd day I’m on 5 drops 3 times a day and I don’t feel any nausea, vomiting. Main reason I’m taking MMs is for genital herpes, Is there anyone who’ve been taking it for long period of time and cured their herpes or went to doctor for retest, and how long you have to take it,
2,773 hits
Forum: MMS Support
question about viruses
by ananda7 17 y
View Entire Thread 12
does anybody know from what they have read or gathered about mms if the viruses like hepc, herpes etc. will be gone from the body altogether after the full protocol has been done? in the case of herpes, will there just be no more break outs or will the entire thing be out of the blood--- like if they were to have a blood test at the doctors would the virus no linger be there? --- just curious.
2,908 hits
Forum: MMS Support
Re: MMS vs. Hydrogen Peroxide
by Suave21 11 y
Is it okay to as both hydrogen peroxide and mms for hsv1 I’ve read threads that it actually lowers the antibody count for herpes meaning it basically cures the herpes and u have no more outbreaks or skin shedding
19,702 hits
Forum: MMS
Re: Not feeling anything from 4 drops?
by Johny Apple Bomb 17 y
Hi, I started taking MMS yesterday, I took 1 drop in the morning, then 2 at night, and today since they didn’t have any effect on me I took 4 drops and still nothing. I thought by now I would feel something in my stomach or nausea or something. When I make it it turns yellow and it smells similar to chlorine though not as strong. Any thoughts? is this normal?
Everything is normal. It’s better that you don’t get any nausea at all. That way you can get to the higher doses quicker.
Also I ordered the book from Jim Humbles site in the middle of feb, and still have not recieved ...
1,718 hits
Forum: MMS Support
Re: new to mms
by Johny Apple Bomb 15 y
would be most grateful if anyone could offer anything more to this or some advice on anything further I’m missing out on? I am open to all suggestions.
Cayenne Pepper will slow down and suppress the viruses in the Herpes family.
Get a good frequency generator or at least a zapper and use it once a week or so.
I wouldn’t use MMS long term as it is a strong oxidizer. Especially the high doses.
3,687 hits
Forum: MMS Support
Re: Topical MMS
by Johny Apple Bomb 17 y
f your rashes are virus-caused (ie. shingles), MMS would certainly help. Just remember to start out slowly and follow the protocol regarding continuing your supplements, but 4 hours away from MMS. Good luck!
And if it’s caused by allergies MMS often helps. MSM will also give relief from allergies. Finding the source of the allergies is important.
Hulda Clark method of dealing with Herpes type viruses.
2,557 hits
Forum: MMS Support
MMS and 1st Herpes break out-- Why oh why!!??
by hope162 17 y
View Entire Thread 5
I started MMS... on day 2 with 2 drops I got the beginnings of my first herpes break out- this is vaginal. I did not know I had herpes before this! My husband had the same reaction!~
Neither of us had herpes before!
I am now into my 2nd week of MMS... on 7 drops 2x a day... the herpes is still bad... I have never had anything go on in my vaginal region and this is painful and disturbing... I even made the MMS topical spray I found on this site and have been using it to no avail.
Why would MMS make this come out?? I thought MMS was to cure things?
I am staying at 7 drops for these f ...
5,556 hits
Forum: MMS Support
Re: itching or hives from mms use
by gentlemanjim 16 y
Your simple question prompted me to tell my bitter sweet story about itching and MMS.
I started taking MMS for skin cancer after having two spots previously removed and another appeared. After about 3 weeks I started itching all over my body mostly on my arms legs and ankles. I continued to take the MMS and in a couple more weeks it went away. In about another 2 weeks my girl friend who I have been living with for nearly 8 years broke out with genital herpes. We were both pointing fingers at each other and got into several arguments resulting in her moving out.I went to my alternative doc ...
5,948 hits
Forum: MMS Support
Re: Herpes is curable!! Try MMS, it works!
by #152065 13 y
every one taking mms,we need to be positive not negative lots of people out there are too negative,if you believe in something have faith,iam taking advanced colloidal silver for my herpes and so far ive been seeing progress and this not bs,i got a rabbit with a diseas on the leg like a big bump with puss and i drop colloidal silver and the next they so good results i think colloidal works you just have to give it time to kick in,lots of you people out there want to get cured in one day,as for mms,if you are getting sick,vomits,diahrea,well guess what mms might be just working correct it k ...
81,529 hits
Forum: MMS Support
Herpes Support
Re: MMS and Herpes? Anyone getting results in this area--
by jo14 17 y
Both my wife and myself have gotten great results with genital herpes. We have been on MMS and have not had a herpes outbreak while being on it. Occasionally it would feel like one might be coming but it never does. The only thing that did happen was that when I went off of MMS for a couple days one began to emerge. As soon as I took the MMS again, it went away. I feel MMS really works with herpes. You will be glad you found it. I am not sure how long we have to be on it until it is all gone. We will have to wait to see what happens. I guess the way to find out would be to see if one ...
7,713 hits
Forum: MMS Support
Re: MMS Results
by ananda7 17 y
hi sammer,
i have posted many times about the herpes, i will provide you with a link below to one of my former posts. but this one was early on -- like only 15 days into mms.
now after 2 months, still no full blown breakout for either myself or my husband. once however, about a week and a half ago(maybe), when i went off mms for a couple days, a little herpes2 sore started to come, so i took the mms again and also put a few diluted dabs of it on the sore and it went away again.
i think it is going to take some time for me b/c ...
3,577 hits
Forum: MMS Support
Re: Herpes and MMS
by ananda7 17 y
hi viggo, (isnt there a handsome actor with the name viggo ??? i think he played in the lord of the rings).
anyhow--- i have oral and gentital herpes. i have had it since i was 25 and i am now 41. so does my husband(genital). we have been on mms since december 31st. we have not had a full blown herpes outbreak since being on mms. however, there is that sensation/tingling feeling but the herpes never quite breaks out. and this has happened many times to me and my husband... but to this day--- no full blown herpes sores! --- i was having a breakout 2x a month before mms and always ...
77,392 hits
Forum: MMS
Herpes Simplex 1
Herpes Simplex 2
Re: question about viruses for doc
by ananda7 17 y
thanks boondoc (and others) for your answer thus far. i am one of those who posted that the herpes feel like they are going to break out but never do with mms. i am also one who gets them both orally and genitally very often. so as time passes it will be interesting if i get any breakout on the mms. i have not gotten a full breakout yet and i have been on it since january 1st. in the past i’ve gotten breakouts 2 or 3x a month.
my question to you doc is this--- you said the herpes live dormant in the root of the nerve cell. now are you talking about the nerve cells on or near the sit ...
2,347 hits
Forum: MMS Support
Re: mms and herpes.... still waiting for a response
by #78810 18 y
Yes, it is the beginning of the fourth week for me and really too early to say anything about it as far as herpes is concerned. Last occurrence was the day before I started the supplementation.
I told myself that i would give it 6 months to a year to be fair with myself and others here on this forum.
It may yet still take several months to fix the leaking gut, which I feel is the main reason for my immune system being compromised.
If you look at it in this view:
It is understood that the virus resides within the nerve cells. It may not be possible to completely eradicate the virus of ...
4,064 hits
Forum: MMS
Herpes Simplex 2
Re: MMS and 1st Herpes break out-- Why oh why!!??
by johny apple bomb 17 y
If a dormant pathogen is attacked It will often awaken and you could have an outbreak. No surprise.
Just like last week when I was doing some chines pressure points to get all the meridian activated. Stimulating the nerves. I had a small shingles outbreak. I then used the Hulda Clark/ Rife method to stop it in its tracks.
Are you sure it’s Herpes? It could be anything. If youv’e had chicken pox before it could be Herpes Zoster. Which is much better but still no fun. Only one way to tell. Get it swabbed and tested by a doctor. If you find out exactly what it is, you will be able to ...
4,271 hits
Forum: MMS Support
Re: Herpes and MMS
by SilverFox 16 y
Hello Shivanirvana,
I have no idea what Jim Humbles ultimate plans are, but I do believe that his current MMS protocol, and many of his ideas surrounding it, are flawed.
I think the best advice is to listen to your body. If you experience adverse effects, stop. While you are recovering, take some time to research what is going on, formulate some theories of why you are experiencing these adverse effects, and run them by a trained medical professional. I have been totally amazed at the amount of information available if you dig a little, and how willing medical professionals are t ...
75,772 hits
Forum: MMS
Herpes Simplex 1
Herpes Simplex 2
Re: worst herpes outbreak ever, and i am on 8 drops of MM...
by Dquixote1217 16 y
The best natural remedies for herpes appear to be prunella vulgaris, cat’s claw, bitter melon and colloidal silver; however, I am not aware of any remedy that has been proven definitively to actually get rid of herpes.
The two best bets are probably prunella vulgaris and colloidal silver. An extract from the plant Prunella vulgaris is showing promise for stopping HSV-1 and 2 viral growth in cells, even in acyclovir resistant strains. Colloidal Silver has proven to be quite deadly to many hundreds of single cell pathogens, including viruses.
One interesting study r ...
33,330 hits
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Forum: Ask CureZone
MMS Support
Re: itching or hives from mms use
by ImBlessed09 16 y
I have regular testing done by an MD, once a year. I had just been tested for everything imaginable a couple of months before starting MMS. So MY itching had NOTHING to do with the herpes virus as I don’t carry it. I think the ”synopsis” you were given was BS. Itching and MMS are very common and have nothing specifically to do with the herpes virus. Just wanted to make sure I cleared that one up! You did not mention if you had been tested positive as a carrier for the virus. If you do not know this for a fact then my boyfriend, who is an MD, says your girlfriend probably has some ”splainin ...
5,511 hits
Forum: MMS Support
worst herpes outbreak ever, and i am on 8 drops of MMS. w...
by heygirlfriend 16 y
View Entire Thread 13
i just came home from vacation where i did all things one is supposed to avoid with a herpes lifestyle: sun, sex, chocolate, wine, etc....
i am also on the MMS protocol, 8 drops currently-not much nausea, some diarrrhea which im not positive is related to the MMS.
anyway: i get back and i have the worse outbreak i have ever gotten: 6 herpes sores, mostly on the skin above my upper lip and below my nose. i have not had a cold sore in over 6 months...
i think this has a lot to do with being sunburned, but what i dont understand is why is the MMS not working to kill off this thing like ev ...
33,126 hits
Forum: Ask CureZone
MMS Support
Re: worst herpes outbreak ever, and i am on 8 drops of MM...
by heygirlfriend 16 y
very cool message--thanks you!
i have had herpes my whole life and i have tried most everything, but have never heard of prunella off to google it right now!
i have taken acyclovir over the years, and im sure that my sassy little virus is not resistant to it! im not going there anymore....
again, thanks for the info, im sticking w the MMS still, as even if it does not ”cure” the herpes, i think it can help with overall health (yeast, paracites, etc)...
will post if new developments arise.
32,222 hits
0 of 1 (0%)
Forum: Ask CureZone
MMS Support
Re: Has anyone ever tested positive then tested negative ...
by patientadvocate 16 y
No doubt! Antibody titers have to be repeated.
False possitives can occur with bacterial antigens, allergic antigens, other viruses.
Also, against herpes, your body does not sustain antibodies, for if you could, herpes would stay dormant for years and decades.
So, those levels will fall, but should not usually fall to the point of undetectable. The Western Blot method is older and not as reliable and can have more false negatives than antigen specific antibody tests.
The good news is that cross reactivity is not common, is an exception, but statistacally significant enough to w ...
14,556 hits
Forum: Herpes
MMS Support
Re: failure story
by johny apple bomb 17 y
Cora’s Hering’s law #2: I noticed when my sinuses are infected - usually around the eyes - I have acne eruptions clustered in that area. So does this mean it is going towards a cure or just getting worse?
Sounds like cold sores. 6 capsules of Lysine should help with this. Cayenne Pepper also slows down the opportunistic virus in the nerves.
Don’t forget Iodine. It is used by the thyroid to kill pathogens in the blood.
Other nutrients like ...
4,705 hits
Forum: MMS Support
Herpes is curable!! Try MMS, it works!
by nancy1953 16 y
View First 20 Messages of 42
MMS - Miracle Mineral Solution
Inexpensive and Effective
Turning a Sick Body into a Healthy Body
MMS - Miracle Mineral Solution
Boosts The Immune System by deactivating the molecular structure of many pathogens
Viruses – HIV/AIDS
Herpes – HPV
Chronic fatigue symptoms
Candida albicans - Yeast infections
Molds - fungus
Bacteria - including MRSA
Lyme’s disease - does not remove it, but appears to make people feel better
Anthrax …. and most other deadly pathogens
even Malaria…... Oxidizes heavy metals ...
89,617 hits
0 of 2 (0%)
Forum: MMS Support
Herpes Support
Re: Herpes and MMS
by shivanirvana 16 y
Hi silverfox and thanks for your engaged answers. I have now been around a bit on Curezone and read lots of postings describing MMS and Jim Humble as fraud and dangerous. I will for my own safety (and Nausea) stop MMS for a while. May i ask if you have personal experience with Herpes? Are you some kind of doctor or Therapist? Just curious. You sound like a nice guy :-) Also may i ask if you have experience with other effective ”cures” for Genital Herpes 2?
Thanks again.
75,766 hits
Forum: MMS
Herpes Simplex 1
Herpes Simplex 2
Re: Help! Major viral infection + herpes
by Dquixote1217 16 y
I suggest that you check in with Trapper at the Ask Trapper forum. I am gonna bet that he will tell you to insert a tube and shoot loads of iodine into the urethra, as well as taking oral iodine. I would also suggest doing the same with a top quality colloidal silver such as that made by CureZone sponsor Utopia Silver and taking two or more ounces orally daily as well.
You may also find some helpful information here:
6,229 hits
Forum: Urinary Tract
MMS Support
Re: Herpes is curable!! Try MMS, it works!
by johndoe hawk 13 y
nancy you are correct people dont give it a chance to work mms and give up i have faith it does work,i will be on mms,once i get it iam on colloidal silver right now,so far i see a little miracle,iam going fight the herpes and i will destroy it,i will research it until i find the cure and will help every one out there,we need to spread the word when we find the cure dont keep it to your self,help others,iam goin to take mms even for 1year if i have too i positive it will destroy the herpes we just need to believe and have faith.are you still on mms and how you feeling?
80,384 hits
1 of 1 (100%)
Forum: MMS Support
Herpes Support
Re: warning for using activated mms directlry on skin!!!
by mato75 12 y
Hi, I got my MMS yesterday. I ordered it because I have a problem with herpes(cold sores). I am using it and it does make me a little sick, but nothing I can’t handle.
I have a problem, because I put some MMS directly on the herpes and it backfired. It burned all night and this morning when i woke up, the would was full with white liquid, like water. After i broke the would, the skin could just be puled off. And this white liquid was flowing from the would. The would is on my face, its really red, it burns, please help me. What to do???????
8,124 hits
Forum: MMS Support
Re: Herpes and MMS
by annabel 17 y
In Jim’s book it says we should take the normal dose until we reach 15 drops per day and then stay on the 15 drops twice a day for a week and it should be cured. Jim has no real experience with it himself and so it seems like he was only suggesting that the protocol for herpes might work. I have herpes and since i’ve started using mms, i did have an outbreak but then it went away, and i didn’t experience such bad symptoms because i’m into health and do cleansings all the time. I only experienced nausea, never had diarrahea and started feeling great within a week. I haven’t had a ...
76,393 hits
Forum: MMS
Herpes Simplex 1
Herpes Simplex 2
After all that research
by Alexandria 18 y
View Entire Thread 14
on mms and reading testimonials (what few there are) I found where Jim H gives the name of two products he suggest to use one was the superprobiotic invented by some lady and one was something for cancer patients. I can’t for the life of me find it again. Anyone remember it or where to find it?
Maybe it was Andreas’ website. He called my house and left a message on my call notes because I thought my order had not gone thru, what a nice guy! His voice is accented just like I thought it would be almost as if I have heard him speak before but I havn’t!
Took 6 t’night...we’ll see!
Broke ...
3,754 hits
Forum: MMS
Re: Herpes
by ananda7 17 y
hi viggo,
what has been happening thus far with the herpes for you? have you had less breakouts/any?
be sure there is no vit c AT ALL in your juice. even in the form of ascorbic acid or acsorbate? check and be sure there isn teven percentage natural occuring vit C. or if there is, what is it? if there is any vitc in your juice it may be neutralizing your mms and that is why your diarreah may be gone.
also, if you had diareah for that long you should have cut back on the drops.
again, what has happenned with the herpes so far, in this 2 months. i and my husband are having grea ...
1,577 hits
Forum: MMS Support
Re: displaced oxygen?
by Johny Apple Bomb 17 y
s this displaced oxygen going to be a further problem if he is off the mms? will he just go back to normal, if this is the case, or do we have to do something about it (if this is what happened)??? if so, what should we do in your opinion?
Everything should return to normal. I wouldn’t supplement with iron unless a doctor determined a deficiency with a blood test. Most have too much iron. Red blood cells are made every day if they have been damaged they will eventually be replaced.
o is off mms now. (and still no herpes by the way--so that is good!)
Herpes can ta ...
2,739 hits
Forum: MMS Support
list of personal benefits from mms in less than a month
by ananda7 17 y
View Entire Thread 4
conditions i am dealing with are-- chronic fatigue syndrome, epstien barr virus, joint,muscle and leg pain, herpes 1 and 2, female organ issues, major brain fog,frequent headaches, human-papiloma virus,parasites,peridontal disease, and possibly systemic candida.
i have noticed the following benefits from taking mms for about a month now--
no herpes breakout since taking mms
waking up feeling somewhat better (waking up was terrible before)
3,767 hits
Forum: MMS Support
Re: question about viruses for doc
by ananda7 17 y
boondoc--- i just read the below in quotations.... so wouldnt i be able to get a blood test to see if i still had the herpes antibodies ---after i feel i have successfuly completed the mms protocol and destroyed the hsv???
reason i ask is b/c lets say i do this mms for 6mos. or a year... i would like to know if it truly has killed off the virus altogether as the claim from jim indicates-
i already know it is disabling the breakouts but naturally i want it out of the body altogether if possible! wouldnt that be the ideal? ---so how would one know if it were gone?
”It has been est ...
2,575 hits
Forum: MMS Support
20 drops of MMs
by memento126 17 y
View Entire Thread 2
Hi there, I started taking mms 2 weeks ago I increased my dose to 15 drops, past Sunday in the morning I accidentally had 20 drops it smelled real bad, after that I was sick all day I was puking going to restroom for hours and couldnt eat nothing for all day, did somebody experienced this before, I guess it is killing all the pathogens but man that was the worst day!! Does anyone know how long you actually have to take it in order to achieve success. I’m taking for genital herpes
Did anyone went to doctor for retest if their herpes is gone ?Also I started taking it with water because you ...
1,588 hits
Forum: MMS Support