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Re: displaced oxygen?
Johny Apple Bomb Views: 2,740
Published: 17 y
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Re: displaced oxygen?

s this displaced oxygen going to be a further problem if he is off the mms? will he just go back to normal, if this is the case, or do we have to do something about it (if this is what happened)??? if so, what should we do in your opinion?


Everything should return to normal. I wouldn't supplement with iron unless a doctor determined a deficiency with a blood test. Most have too much iron. Red blood cells are made every day if they have been damaged they will eventually be replaced.

o is off mms now. (and still no herpes by the way--so that is good!)


Herpes can take a while if curable. I would take a maintenance dose of at least six drops once a week. Maybe six drops a day.



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