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Personally, I think it is best to take a quality multi vit/mineral complex, rather than singular nutrients for the synergistic effect...

I take a prenatal vitamin because they are very strong...I like Rainbow Light because it has Iodine (from kelp). BTW, I have a history of anemia and the prenatal vits have always cured this condition for me.

I think the one-a-day type is best because most can only remember to take it once per day!

I also think it is a bunch of BS that iron should be taken alone, because I have tried both ways and I actually find that the multi works best.

Vit C has a lot to do with iron obsorption, The Right C by Natures Way is what I take. Fresh oranges would really help too.

Lowering his dose, or simply taking a week off, is for the best. let his body catch up a bit, to bring his anti-oxidant reserves back up.

Perhaps then he can get on a moderate maintenance dose of 6 drops at bedtime.

Good luck



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