Re: bluish nails-concern
Be sure that there is room made for re-mineralization in the diet. Cayenne helps improve circulation, lowers blood pressure.
hi, I don't know if its normal or not but my finger nails have sometimes been turning blue and my hands are cold. im 18. its not the whole nail but the lower part and its not blue blue but like a purple color instead of pink. this is also happening to my toe nails. I took a bath and when I looked the skin aroudn the lower part of my toe nails was blue and the nails were a purplish color. what can I do to make them pink. I have always had cold hands, and this is while inside my house where it is actually really warm.
Hi blue,
Bluish colored nails and cold hands can indicate several possibilities. Do you have any heart, respiratory, or thyroid problems? Have you been evaluated by a physician? Sincerely, Rntdj toenails on both big toes turned blue. my feet were a little cold, but I was in a warm house. could this be from them just being cold or could this be something I should be concerned about. I have no medical problems that I know of
...After your feet warmed up did your nails return to their normal color? If so I would attribute the bluish cast to be caused from the cold.
Bluish nails: may indicate circulatory, heart and lung problem
Pale or bluish nails: this may indicate anemia.
Bluish colored nails generally indicate a lack of oxygen in the blood. This discoloration may be caused by lung disease, such as emphysema, or asthma
Discolored nails are the indication of diabetes, stress, allergies and simple illness. Bluish nails or bluish nail beds warn against lung diseases such as emphysema or even asthma. A simple dark blue streak in the nail can suggest skin cancer. And if there are any tiny black streaks they indicate heart trouble. Reddish brown spots show the deficiency of folic acid and vitamin C or protein. White lines in or across the nail can signal fever, liver or heart diseases, kidney disorders or more likely a lack of iron or zinc in your diet.
A well balanced diet