Re: question about viruses for doc
I am sure you probably heard that the herpes virus resides in the base of the spine.
As from an earlier response to a poster w/regard to herpes question:
Yes, it is the beginning of the fourth week for me and really too early to say anything about it as far as herpes is concerned. Last occurrence was the day before I started the supplementation.
I told myself that i would give it 6 months to a year to be fair with myself and others here on this forum.
It may yet still take several months to fix the leaking gut, which I feel is the main reason for my immune system being compromised.
(You say: "...80% of the general population has the presence of herpes simplex virus antibodies in their blood..." that said then, virtually, just about everyone has herpes, its just a matter of degree.)
If you look at it in this view:
It is understood that the virus resides within the nerve cells. It may not be possible to completely eradicate the virus of nerve cells (perhaps, this will be realized later with enough
Miracle-Mineral-Supplement and elimination of other pathogens). The biggest problem with herpes are the outbreaks. If the outbreaks were not forthcoming, then one would effectively be done with any problem of herpes.
With the immune system being compromised and occupied with an overload of stuff, it is unable to arrest the virus to completely head off the occurrence of outbreaks. Once the immune system is not anymore bogged down, then it will be strong enough to tackle the virus before outbreaks occur. With no more outbreaks, the problem with herpes is no more.
Meanwhile, I am optimistic at the moment. As i am noticing the diminishing effects of a leaking gut symptoms such as pain all over the body, especially joint areas. There is noticeable movement felt within the lymph in various places of the body.
Also, I do feel
Miracle-Mineral-Supplement working within and around the areas where I usually have outbreaks.
With the swelling I've felt within the sacrum, for me it is a positive sign. it signifies to me that mms is at least knocking on the door of the residual "home" of the herpes virus within the sacrum, this leaves much room for optimism at this point in time.
Best regards.