hi--- one of the reasons my husband and i are taking mms is for genital herpes also. we have been on mms since january 1st. since being on it what has seemed to happen to the both of us (and a couple others on this forum here ) is that the mms initially kinda pushes the herpes to the surface --- like you begin to feel the sensation and tingling of outbreaks coming on but then they never actually break out.
this has happenned to me 3 or 4 times in the short time i have been on mms... others report the same thing.
it is as if the herpes breakout sites are being reactivated in order to clear them out--- but there will be no actual full blown out sore.
mms is definately doing some healing with the herpes!
before mms i have gotten sores atleast2x a month--- so as time wtihout breakouts continues i will certainly know that it is continuing to work---
---and so far--no herpes sores!--- i have a feeling there wont be anymore either. but i will post updates as time goes on.
there is a post on this forum where i asked "boondoc" the same question about herpes testing afterward. you can read that post --- "question about viruses".
---also look back at all the posts that have "herpes" in the subject. they are on a few forum pages back.... or just do a search.
i and turiya both posted about our herpes experiences.
i've heard there really is no definitive blood test for herpes b/c 80% of population has some form of herpes antibodies (mostly from herpes1)...i guess it is only a culture from a genital sore that you get a definative diagnosis of herpes 2--- so if with mms you dont get anymore breakouts ---i suppose that may be the only answer as to whether the herpes 2 virus is gone. (there will be nothing to culture). i am gonna double check on this when i have my doctors routine visit next month---- i am going to ask him very specifically about the herpes2 testing in more depth.
and by the way---I WOULDNT USE PRUNE JUICE (atleast the ones i have read in the supermarkets here) b/c most of it may not say vit c added but usually it has ascorbic acid. this will make mms ineffective.
to be sure your juice is the right juice ---go to the healthfood store or the organic/healthfood section at a supermarket (like Tops or Wegmans or whatever you have in your area), and get R.W.KNUDSEN black cherry juice(pure and only black cherries are in it).
youre very luck to have found mms! i know i am!