19 y
Re: me
I usta respect ya ren! How freaking judgemental can one get? Holier than thou, treatment, eh? Yeah, THAT'S always helpfull. LOL! First off, the name of the fo
rum is not, the PUT DOWN AND BELITLING forum, secondly, if you have any experience with the subject at hand, it would perhaps be more helpfull if you would share that, along with the steps YOU personally did to overcome your personal handicap.
The fact that ( and here, I apologize, maybe you were at a tender enough age when you sw the movie "Tough Love" to be permenentally affectrd, I don't know)this remains a support site, no matter the subject matter, deems your response clearly out of line. Ren, I used to revere your opinion on a multitude of subject matters, but now, guess what~! Ya just make me laugh~ ...........And CRY for a poster who needed a boost up NOT a shot in the A~~. From one who HAS been there and is not AFRAID to admit it.