to Telman...
Telman, based on your knowledge of the daily timing of body functions, I have a question for you.
I have been bothered for several months with an intermittant pain on my left side around the lower part of my ribcage. Most of the time it feels like it is coming from my back. However, I can massage my abdominal area and get temporary relief.
There was a discussion on another forum where the posters talked about similar symptoms. One person thought that it was his spleen causing the pain. But the other convinced him that it was his large intestine in that they both suffered from candida and they thought that candida has a tendency to "dig in" in an area called the "spleenic flexure" which causes such pains. Who knows?
With all of that said, my question to you is -
My pain seems to be minimal or non-existant every morning. But it gets worse in the afternoon and peaks around 5:00pm each day. Any ideas what is going on? I also have candida and leaky gut that may play into this.